albizzia Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
albizzia English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Sir thanks for your kind reply.
Don't worry sir i check your attachment and we will make perfect as your wish.
But sir you know shipping for Japan is very high . and we was loss in last time .,
$100 is shipping from your Country .
there for you can offer you in $200 with shipping.
we are attach you our size chart .
and hope you will be understand and like our price.

Sir this time you don't pay by pay pal because now our pay pal account is not working .
now you can pay us by Western union and Bank.
you know our younger brother have lived in Japan and if you send him our payment than don't worry you can send our brother feel freely.



お客様、現在、私たちのpaypal accountが使えないため、今回はpaypalでお支払いしないで下さい。
現在はWestern union and Bankによってお支払いいただくことができます。


albizzia English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Apple Pay will be embraced by 38% of major retailers by end of 2015, study claims

Obsessed with mobile growth? Join us February 23-24 when we reveal the best technologies and strategies to help your company grow on mobile. It all takes place at our 5th annual Mobile Summit at the scenic Cavallo Point Resort in Sausalito, CA. See if you qualify here.

Apple Pay works great, but some have wondered why retailers would want to use the technology when it involves buying new point of sale systems, retraining employees, and still having to pay transactions fees to the credit card companies.


Apple Pay は2015年の末までに38%の主要な小売店に受け入れられるだろう、と研究者は主張している。

それはすべて、CAのSausalitoにある、風光明媚なCavallo Point Resortにて、毎年恒例の第5回Mobile Summitniteにて行われる。

Apple Payは素晴らしく機能する。しかし、中には、販売システムの新しいポイントを購入し、従業員を再訓練した上、更にクレジットカード会社に処理料金をわねばならないこの技術を、なぜ小売業者は使いたがるのか疑問に思っている者もいる。

albizzia English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

About eight percent of large retailers in the U.S. now support Apple Pay, according to a survey by Boston Retail Partners. The vast majority of the 6 million or so retailers in the U.S., however, are small businesses, and BRP didn’t talk to them.

BRP believes, however, that 38 percent of large retailers in North America will be supporting Apple Pay by the end of this year, and that Apple Pay will be the most widely used mobile payments platform among large retailers.

The survey finds that 56 percent of large retailers believe they’ll be supporting Apple Pay by the end of 2017.

The survey was fielded in November and December of 2014. BRP published its results in mid-January, a company spokesman told VentureBeat.


Boston Retail Partnersの調査によると、アメリカの大型小売店のおよそ80%が現在、Apple Payに対応している。

BRPはしかし、それら38%の北米の大型小売店は、今年の末までにApple Payに対応するのは確かだと考えており、このApple Payは大型小売店の中で、モバイルでの支払い方法の基本システムとしてもっとも広く使われるようになるだろう。

この調査により、56%の大型小売店が2017年の末までにはApple Payに対応しているのは確かだと考えていることが明らかになった。

この調査は2014年の11月と12月に行われた。BRPはこの結果を1月中頃に公表し、企業のスポークスマンはVenture Beatに語った。