a_ayumi Translations

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Over 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
a_ayumi English → Japanese
Original Text

Raksul, one of the best-funded startups in Japan with more than US$51 million raised to date, is expanding outside of Japan. But Yasukane’s strategy is to invest in – and perhaps eventually acquire – local printing startups in other Asian markets. Indonesia is Raksul’s first target.

“Right now, there’s no ecommerce printing option in Indonesia, but consumers want it,” Yasukane tells Tech in Asia. “Existing players are the physical shops like Kinkos. You have to go pick up your order, and the traffic is so bad in a city like Jakarta. This ‘shop style’ is how people in the US and Japan did their printing in the 80s and 90s.”



「現在、インドネシアにはeコマースの印刷企業はありませんが、消費者はそれを望んでいます。」と恭攝氏はTech in Asiaに語る。「存在しているのは、キンコーズのような実店舗です。注文したものを取りにいかなければなりませんが、ジャカルタのような都市の交通状況は、酷いものです。この【ショップ形態】は、アメリカや日本の人々が80年代や90年代に印刷をしていた時のものなのです。」

a_ayumi English → Japanese
Original Text

“We can’t manage a portfolio because we don’t have a branch in Indonesia, so we needed a local VC partner,” he says. “That’s why we’re asking some Japanese VCs that are active in Southeast Asia to help us.”

East Ventures is contributing US$50,000 toward the total, with Raksul dipping into its own funding to provide the rest. The investment gives Raksul a 20 percent stake in Prinzio.

“Obviously the first thing is hiring talent,” Prinzio founder and CEO Riky Tenggara tells Tech in Asia. “Most of the funds will go to operations and promotions.”



East Venturesは、全額に対して5万米ドルを投資する予定で、ラクスルは自社の資金に手を付け、残りの資金を提供する予定だ。この投資によって、ラクスルはPrinzoの20%の株式を獲得する。

「最初にすべきことは、才能のある人を雇用することなのは明らかです。」とPrinzioの創設者でCEOのRiky Tenggara氏はTech in Asiaに語った。「資金の大半は運営と販売促進に費やす予定です。」

a_ayumi English → Japanese
Original Text

Riky was previously a business development manager and the head of sourcing at Lazada before joining aCommerce as a senior product manager. He founded Prinzio last month.

“If Riky wants to exit, we are the first potential buyer,” Yasukane adds. “If he needs to, he can still raise from other investors.”

Not a business card company

Raksul raised US$33.7 million in series C funding this past February and Yasukane says the startup will be profitable by January or February.

Yasukane explains that Raksul will invest in one or two more printing startups in Southeast Asia by the end of 2016. Other markets he’s aiming to enter include the Philippines and Singapore. He’s also keen to eventually expand into India.



「Riky氏が手を引きたい場合は、私たちが最初の買収者になる可能性があります。」と 恭攝氏は付け加えた。「彼がそうすることが必要だと考えるなら、今でも、他の投資家から資金調達することは可能です。」




a_ayumi English → Japanese
Original Text

This app could be your personal diabetes caretaker

How often have you stepped out of town without your diabetes papers and fretted about having to consult a new doctor? Here comes Diabeto, an app that tracks blood sugar levels, stores the data on cloud, and even lets patients video-consult their favourite docs.

Diabeto is being formally launched globally on World Diabetes Day tomorrow, but it’s already available for downloading on Android phones.

With over 350 million people affected by diabetes across the world – India alone accounts for an estimated 65.1 million diabetics – the app has come none too soon.



自分の糖尿病記録を持たずに地元から出て、新たな医師に診てもらわなければならないことを危惧したことも、度々あったのではないだろうか? そこで、Diabetoの登場だ。このアプリは血糖値を記録し、そのデータをクラウド上に保存する。また自分の好きな医者に、映像で診察を受けることさえ可能にする。



a_ayumi English → Japanese
Original Text

It has been created by Diabeto, a Mumbai- and New Jersey-based startup by the same name, founded by Amir Shaikh, Shreekant Pawar, and Hemanshu Jain in 2012. The trio came up with the idea after they found many family members grappling with the disease.

“All of us are directly or indirectly related to people suffering from the disease. My parents have lived with it for over 20 years,” Shreekant told Tech In Asia.

What Diabeto does

Diabeto is coming up with a bird-shaped device that can be plugged into a wide range of glucometers. It then wirelessly beams data and readings to the mobile app. While this device will be launched next year, for now patients can manually feed in their data into the app.


このアプリは、2012年にAmir Shaikh氏、Shreekant Pawar氏、そしてHemanshu Jain氏によって設立された、ムンバイとニュージャージーを拠点とするスタートアップDiabetoと同じ名前のDiabeto氏によって開発された。創設者の3人は、多くの家族が糖尿病に立ち向かっていることに気づき、このアイデアを思い付いた。

「私たちはみな、この病気に苦しむ人々と直接的・間接的に関係があるのです。私の両親は、この病気になりながら20年以上生きました。」とShreekant氏はTech In Asiaに語った。



a_ayumi English → Japanese
Original Text

The app uploads and stores diabetes data on cloud. Besides patients themselves, their caretakers or family members living far away can also monitor this data if granted access to it by the patients.

What’s more, the app allows users to access a doctor of their choice from the comfort of their homes. That’s a boon for the elderly as well as frequent travellers.


Patients on outstation trips often find it difficult to travel with all their medical papers. Besides, they are unable to consult the same doctor every time. The Diabeto app addresses both these issues by maintaining a patient’s data on cloud and giving a doctor access to it.




