A.N. (a-nii) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Male 40s
Japanese (Native) English Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
a-nii English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.5
Original Text

The Reality of Muslim Integration
Reviewing the structural, cultural, and social integration quantified in academic studies of the past six years makes clear that the integration of “Muslims” in Germany is far better than often assumed:
・More than 50 percent of Muslims are members of a German association; a mere 4 percent are only members of an association affiliated with their country/culture of origin.
・Ninety-five percent of all Muslim boys and girls take part in coed sports and swimming classes at school (even as media reports might lead the public to believe that most Muslim parents are keeping their girls separate).



a-nii English → Japanese
Original Text

One way to build your selling history is by emailing buyers who have had completed transactions with you and asking them to please leave Feedback. This not only increases your score, but also leaves an open communication channel to a buyer who may be unhappy with the transaction.

While your account is subject to these limits, please don't use or create any other eBay account. If we determine this has taken place, it is possible that all accounts could be suspended indefinitely.

We hope that you will use this selling limit to your advantage and focus on succeeding with your current sales.





a-nii English → Japanese
Original Text

We value you as a seller and hope to work with you in order to establish a strong selling history and successful business relationship. It's in our best interest to help our sellers succeed so that we can have a positive trading environment and eliminate bad buying experiences on the site.

To find out more about the factors affecting your account, visit your Seller Dashboard:


You may need to sign in first.

Appreciate your patience and understanding. Thanks for choosing eBay! We value your business. Have a great day. Don’t forget to smile!



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a-nii English → Japanese
Original Text

I am sue a jeweller in your area with a qualified technician on site will be of assistance with a battery replacement.

We have not received a notification to pay charges. As soon as this has been received, we will pay the cost and the parcel will be delivered here. Please be assured we are not blocking the delivery.

Unfortunately, we have not received notification to make payment for the delivery yet. Once we do we will ensure payment is made so that we may repair the watch. At the moment we are waiting for the postal service to contact us.

Regrettably, until the Customs department contact us we are unable to assist or track the parcel.






a-nii English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The bubble wrap was not damaged and the case is also not damaged at the location of the damage on the guitar. The packaging within the case was very secure. The photos in your listing for the sale of this guitar did not show the area where the damage is located, due to the condition of the hard case being fine at the location of the damage and the fact that the case is completely in tact ruling out a crushing force I do not understand how this damage could have been occurred in transit.

How do I go about claiming insurance when the hard case in not damaged?Scratches are to be expected on a guitar of this age. This damage is structural as you will see in the picture on my listing.




a-nii English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Capaldi has said that his Doctor is "more alien than he's been in a while." He has stated that unlike his previous two incarnations who cared about humans and tried to understand them, this incarnation "doesn’t quite understand human beings or really care very much about their approval.” Jenna Coleman said of this Doctor, "He’s more removed, you can't quite access him in the same way", referring to the way you could with the more friendly accessible previous incarnation.[30] Capaldi also specifically requested that the Doctor will not flirt with his companion the way his previous incarnation did



a-nii English → Japanese
Original Text

Capaldi's portrayal of the Doctor is a spiky, brusque, contemplative, and pragmatic character who conceals his emotions in the course of making tough and sometimes ruthless decisions, this often leading him to question his character and the value of his travels.

Capaldi made his first, very brief appearance as the Doctor in the show's fiftieth anniversary special "The Day of the Doctor" (2013), as one of the thirteen incarnations of the Doctor who are summoned to save Gallifrey from destruction. Capaldi's first full appearance was at the end of the 2013 Christmas special "The Time of the Doctor".[2][3] He is accompanied in the eighth series by companion Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman).


