Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Participating brands have enjoyed extensive media coverage directly as a result of being featured in Interbrands publications. As participating brands represent the most powerful in their field we promote them as examples of best practice.

Coverage includes regular exposure on television, national radio, and the national and trade press. A comprehensive database of journalists from television and radio and press receive copies of Interbrands.
The publication serves as an invaluable reference source for journalists writing features about specific markets and brands or more general branding, marketing and business stories.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Interbrands TV is a new service offered exclusively to clients of Interbrands.
Through our production team in New York, brands which have attained the prestigious “Interbrands Status” can now bring their presentations in the Interbrands books to life though sound and pictures.

The IBTV video productions mirror the text and images from the brand presentations in the Interbrands books.

This is a great way to showcase the brands strengths and Interbrands Status through an important new digital delivery platform.
IBTV creates high quality video footage for our Interbrands clients.

Brands can use this footage to promote their brand stories and successes to their clients, shareholders, and within the brands supply chains






3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text


The Interbrands Council in each country is comprised of individuals who have shown exceptional aptitude in business and who have a thorough knowledge of that particular country’s markets and methods of business. The Interbrands Council members produce a shortlist of candidate brands from a list provided by our researchers (we list all brands available in the country that are widely available) we then invite the Marketing Directors of shortlisted brands to vote online for all the other brands and the scoring is tabulated to result in the top scoring brands being designated as Interbrands

The Interbrands are then notified of their status as Interbrands and invited to take part in the Award Event.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

All Interbrands, regardless of whether they choose to be listed in the book or not, are awarded the Interbrands trophy. Participating brands receive their award at the Award Event and non-participating brands receive theirs by courier.

The Award Event is a high profile, premier marketing occasion attended by the media which brings considerable media exposure for the Interbrands members.

Interbrands events are attended by representatives from all qualifying Interbrands and are probably the largest collection of senior brand guardians (including Chief Executives and Managing Directors) at any event in the calendar year.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text


The 2012 Interbrands JAPAN Volume VIII was published in June 2012 and contains 52 double page full colour brand case histories which tell the fascinating and insightful stories of the JAPAN's most valued brands.

A diverse selection of industry sectors are featured in the book ranging from FMCG's through to corporate giants. Many leading international brands are featured alongside some of the JAPAN's strongest homegrown brands. The inclusion of brands from diverse categories such as technology, finance, lifestyle, retail and fast moving consumer goods brands make Interbrands JAPAN a fascinating and accurate reflection of the Japanese way of life.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text


Brands with Interbrand status are entitled to use the Interbrands award seal on their packaging and in their advertising to show customers that they have achieved this recognition for their branding excellence (in the same way many companies expose ISO accreditation). Many of the world’s leading brands have chosen to advertise the fact that they have received Interbrand status, taking large advertisements in major local publications to do so. A certificate is also provided for display.

In the JAPAN many major brands are now utilising the seal in their marketing and PR activities, and we expect to see this usage increase as we move onto our ninth edition in the country.






3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

In order to achieve the most out your Interbrands award it is suggested that the Interbrands logo and seal be used in a variety of different ways that best demonstrate your brand's status. Amongst these is using the seal on packaging, advertisements, transport, business cards etc. For advice on how best to leverage your Interbrands status contact us by email.


The culmination of each Interbrands programme is an Awards event which has been described in the press as "the Oscars for branding". This event attracts a great deal of media attention and representatives of each brand are presented with their Interbrands awards in the presence of senior figures from the industry and their peers.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The event is a premier marketing occasion, attended by the media (including TV crews) and a large collection of senior executives and brand guardians (including many CEOs). The evening is a celebration of branding, and is used to showcase participating brands. It also acts as a highly successful networking opportunity which facilitates intimate building of relationships between executives and rewards members with a privileged opportunity to listen to and interact with authoritative experts.

As the only book of its kind dedicated exclusively to the country's leading brands, the Interbrands Book is set to become the local marketing community's premier source of information on how great brands become Interbrands.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Book opens with expert comment from the Interbrands Council on "What makes a Interbrand?" and then goes onto explore the development and achievements of many of the strongest brands in JAPAN, revealing extraordinary findings along the way.
Each brand is presented on two pages, full colour feature which together make a fascinating and insightful presentation of the respective brand.
A diverse selection of industry sectors are featured in the Book, ranging from FMCGs through to corporate giants. Many key international brands are featured alongside some of the JAPAN's strongest home-grown brands and the presence of education, tourism and NPOs make Interbrands a fascinating reflection of the Japanese way of life.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Interbrands Reference Book
Each member brand receives a two-page case study in the Interbrands reference book as well as the opportunity to customise their books with a bespoke cover. The book is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the history and achievements of each member brand; copies are successfully used as corporate gifts for customers, suppliers, journalists, key staff and stakeholders. Customised covers are an extremely popular method of maximising Interbrands status and provide a lasting and powerful image of each brand.

2. Online Brand Case Study
Each member brand also has their case study available for download on the Interbrands website.


1. インターブランド・レファレンス・ブック

2. オンライン・ブランド・ケーススタディー

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The site acts as an invaluable reference for journalists, academics, consumers, and business professionals interested in gaining further insight into the JAPAN's leading brands. Participating member brands also have their brand logo prominently displayed on the Interbrands website linked to their own brand website.

Interbrands and its PR partners work with all sectors of the local media to promote both the project itself and the participating brands. Television, print, radio and Internet are all utilised to inform the local market about how Interbrands operates, and which brands in their market have achieved Interbrand status.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

With 64 percent of the population being under 30 years of age, it’s no surprise that social media are a core online passtime. The Facebook Ad Planner suggests there are 690,520 social media users in Cambodia this month – not an enticingly huge draw for brands doing social marketing (compared to the 8.53 million social users in Vietnam this year), but it’s still a young and receptive audience. It’s surely also a country where Facebook is looking forward to seeing millions of new users. Here’s the full report in slideshow form:

For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.


30歳未満の人口の64%のオンラインで時間を過ごす中心がソーシャルメディアだと聞いても驚くには当たらない。Facebook Ad Plannerは、今月のカンボジアにおけるソーシャルメディアの利用者は69万520人であることを示唆し、これは(本年度のベトナムにおけるソーシャルメディア利用者853万人に比べれば)ソーシャルマーケティングを行う上で、ブランドにとって魅惑的な巨大ドローではなく、まだ若く受動的な利用者だ。間違いなくFacebookが何百万人の新規ユーザーを期待ている国に違いない。ここに示すのは、スライドショー形式の全報告だ。
