Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

With each session, there are two students who monitor the Twitter feed and Facebook page to find your questions and ask them in the session. Past instructors include Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, Pulitizer Prize winner Vincent Laforet and Emmy nominee Gale Tattersall.

“We have had more than one million people from 200+ countries attend our classes,” said CEO Mika Salmi. “World class instructors from all corners of the globe are jumping at the chance to teach on our platform. These instructors are excited to ‘give back’ by sharing their knowledge. They also like the impact on their personal brand and their other business interests.”


学期毎にTwitter フィードとFacebookページをモニターして視聴者の質問を見つけて講師に質問する学生を2名置いている。過去、Tim Ferriss、Ramit Sethi、ピューリッツァー賞を受賞した Vincent Laforetやゲイル・タッターサルにノミネートされたEmmy nominee Galeが講師をつとめている。

「200か国以上の国々から100万人以上の人々が私達の講義を視聴しています。」とCEOのMika Salmi氏は語る。「世界の隅々から世界的に名の通った講師が弊社のプラットフォームに飛びついてくれます。講師らは、自分の知識を共有すると、それが自分の所に帰ってくることに感激し、また自身のブランドや他のビジネス利益にインパクトを与えることも楽しんでいます。」

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Two weeks ago, creativeLIVE hosted a course with Ramit Sethi, author of the New York Times bestselling book, “I Will Teach You To Be Rich.” In the free session, Sethi spoke about the psychology of money (how our minds relate to saving, spending and investing) for business and creative entrepreneurs. The class was a three-day intensive format that allowed him to go into greater detail than would be possible in more short-form, weekly formats.

An upcoming course with Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Workweek, will take your through Ferriss’ time-saving tips for a better life and provide a boost of motivation — six hours in two days for $149.


2週間前creativeLIVEはNew York Times のベストセラー本「“I Will Teach You To Be Rich(金持ちになるには)」の著者Ramit Sethiのコースを主催した。
フリーセッションでSethi氏はビジネス、クリエーティブ両分野のアントレプレナーらにお金の心理学(我々の心は貯蓄、支出、投資とどう関係しているか)について講義した。講義は3日間の集中講義形式で週毎の講義よりも短い形でよりつぶさに説明することができた。「The Four Hour Workweek(週4時間しか働かない仕事術)」の著者Tim Ferriss氏の次のコースでは、よりよい生活をするために時間を節約するFerriss氏のヒントが伝授され、モチベーションがあがるに違いない。受講料は2日間計6時間で149ドル

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

“creativeLIVE‘s goal is to provide consumers with real-life skills and knowledge that will help them turn their passions — whether photography, film and video, software, design or business — into their own business, dream job or side gig, or an advancement in their current career,” Salmi said.

Salmi says their target audience is “creative entrepreneurs” — “Whether they are in a creative industry or are an entrepreneur in any industry, these people have a passion and may need some help with the skills and expertise needed to turn that passion into a job or business. We want people to be able to do what they love for a living.”




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Coursera offers free online classes from top universities including the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford. If you sign-up for a course on this site, you’ll have to do more than sit and listen — these courses have deadlines, evaluations, and sometimes you’re required to submit a statement of what you learned at the end of class.

Khan Academy was founded in 2008 by Salman Khan. Initially, his intent was to teach his cousin math using instructional YouTube videos and it has since blossomed into 3,000 short, free lessons that anyone can access. Khan Academy recently launched its first iOS app so users can learn from their iPad.



Khan Academy は2008年Salman Khanにより設立された。最初、Khan氏は教育的なYouTubeビデオを利用して従弟に数学を教えるのが目的だった。サイトは以来、誰でもアクセス可能な3000に及ぶ短い無料レッスンに発展した。Khan Academyは最近、同社初のiOSアプリをローンチしたのでユーザーはiPadで学習することも可能だ。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

“The days of educating the world from a stuffy ivory tower are numbered. We built creativeLIVE to provide people with more than a sheet of paper, a pedigree and student loan debt,” said Founder Chase Jarvis. “We want to honor our students and teach them real, tactical skills that they need to enhance their career or hobby, or even help them transition into their dream job. Our goal is to deliver the best, most relevant knowledge in the world to creative entrepreneurs on a massive, global scale — to overcome geographic, access and cost boundaries.”

Have you ever used an online learning site? What course did you take and what did you think of it? Tell us in the comments.


設立者のChase Jarvisは語る。「大衆を狭い非現実の場から教育する時間は限られています。私たちはテスト用紙や家系や学生のローン以上のものを人々に提供するためにcreativeLIVEを創りました。私たちの生徒達を誇りに思いますし、生徒がキャリアや趣味を伸ばすのに必要な実際的、戦術的能力を提供し、さらに自分の夢見ている仕事につけるよう手助けしたいと思います。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

New York City Regulators Propose Rules for Taxi Apps

Taxi apps have been at the center of controversy lately, with authorities claiming they violate the law and pose security risks. Due to regulatory disputes, cab startup Uber was forced to end its service in New York City two weeks ago.

Now, the New York Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) is about to release new rules that would allow these startups to operate in the Big Apple. The authority will require them to work with the city’s own payment and trip-data system, according to the proposal. The companies will also have to obtain a one-year, renewable license from the TLC.





3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Furthermore, by purchasing prepaid cards with the listed merchants, users can receive instant rebates and discounts. Payment transactions are made by scanning of a QR code at the merchant’s MOGi terminal. If you have mobile internet connection issues, however, it might not work.

Can’t decide what gifts to get for your friends? MOGi also has social media features that allow users to receive birthday reminders, send or receive messages, and also create their own personal wish lists to share with their friends. Users can also purchase vouchers or prepaid cards for their MOGi friends instantly via the application. However, the wish list items are strictly limited to products and services provided by MOGi merchants.



友人のためにゲットするプレゼントを決められない?MOGiはソーシャルメディア機能も備えているので、ユーザーは誕生日のお知らせを受け取ったり、友人とシェアする自分だけのパーソナルほしいものリストを作ったりすることができる。またユーザーはアプリを通してすぐにMOGiの友人にギフトカードやプリペードカードも購入できる。だが、MOGi の小売商によって提供されるほしいものリストの商品やサービスは非常に限られている。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Here is a great find. This Schecter Diamond Series Synyster Custom guitar is setup and ready to go. Floyf Rose Tremolo and Grover Tuners are just some of the features on this custom guitar. Setup here at our shop by out tech, this instrument is to rock! Leather Strap with skull motif and strap locks also included as well as a schecter hard shell case that is in excellent condition. I rate the cosmetics on this guitar and 8/10. There are definetly some finish blemishs on the instrument, but overall it is in very good condition. Sounds as mean as it looks! Make and offer and we just might take it! We take pride in the honestly of our descriptions so please contact us for more details if needed.


ここは穴場です。このSchecter Diamondシリーズのシニスターカスタムギターはセットアップされて準備万端です。フロイドローズのトレモロや、グローバーのチューナー はこのカスタムギターの特徴のいくつかに過ぎません。当店の技術でセットアップされ、このギターはロックするためにあります!スカルモチーフのレザーストラップとストラップロック、非常によい状態の傷に強いハードシェルケースが付属しています。ギター表面の体裁について評価すれば10点中8点です。いくつか仕上げ時の傷がありますが、総合的には非常によい状態です。音も外見と同じくらいよいです!作り提供すれば、それを受け入れるだけです。私どもは正直に商品の情報を差し上げることに誇りをもっております。さらに詳細についてお知りになりたければそうぞご連絡ください。