Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

4.9 28 reviews
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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Here is my beautiful Mcintosh c 32 preamplifier I hope the pictures will help you see how good condition this preamp really is..very minor imperfections the wood case is like new no dings ect..sonically I love this preamp but since i have been out of work more then a year I really do need the money..as with all my auctions on electronics I give a DOA guarantee nothing more nothing less as is as shown.

there are several information pamphlets included
a service manual an owners manual
a catch words manual that explains and shows some electronic diagrams on why this preamp is very special
and an a if your in a hurry brochure all these pamphlets are original



これは私の美しいマッキントッシュc 32 プリアンプです。写真でこのプリアンプが実際非常によい状態であることをあなたにご理解いただけるよう願っています。欠陥はほtんどなく、木製ケースは新品同様で、へこみ等はありません。音質的には私はこのプリアンプが好きですが、私は10年以上仕事をしていないため本当にお金が必要なのです。私の全ての電子機器のオークション同様、DOAの保険をつけます。見ての通りの商品でこれ以上でもこれ以下でもありません。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Ron Jude’s new book, Lick Creek Line, extends and amplifies his ongoing fascination with the vagaries of photographic empiricism, and the gray area between documentation and fiction. In a sequential narrative punctuated by contrasting moments of violence and beauty, Jude follows the rambling journey of a fur trapper, methodically checking his trap line in a remote area of Idaho in the Western United States. Through converging pictures of landscapes, architecture, an encroaching resort community, and the solitary, secretive process of trapping pine marten for their pelts, Lick Creek Line underscores the murky and culturally arbitrary nature of moral critique.


ロン・ジュードの新刊「Lick Creek Line」は、写真の経験主義の気まぐれや現実と虚構の間の曖昧な領域に対してジュードが感じ続けている魅力を引き伸ばし、押し広げています。凶暴さと美しさの対比的な瞬間によって中断される進行していく物語の中で、ジュードは、アメリカ西部アイダホの人里離れた地域で入念に並べた罠を確認する毛皮猟師の放浪の旅を追います。景観や建築物、忍び寄るリゾートコミュニティー開発、孤独、素早く動き回るマツテンを罠にかける隠れた作業等の写真を通して、Lick Creek Line は先の見えない文化的に恣意な自然の批判を浮き彫りにしています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

With an undercurrent of mystery and melancholy that echoes Jude’s previous two books about his childhood home of Central Idaho, Lick Creek Line serves as the lynchpin in a multi-faceted, three-part look at the incomprehensibility of self and place through photographic narrative. While Alpine Star functioned as a fictitious sociological archive, and Emmett explored the muddy waters of memory and autobiography,Lick Creek Line finds its tenor through the sleight-of-hand structure of a traditional photo essay.

“The scene seems to last forever – a caravaggesque rendering of some minor myth, in which the horror and splendor supersede the particulars of the obscure narrative”
—Nicholas Muellner, No Such Place


ジュードのアイダホ中部の少年時代の家を題材とした前2作を反映する神秘と哀愁の暗示によって、Lick Creek Lineは、自己の不可解さを見つめ、写真による物語を通してそれを示しており、多彩な3部作の要としての役割を果たしています。Alpine Starが架空の社会学な記録としての役割を果たし、Alpine Starが記憶と自らの歴史の薄黒く濁った水を探究する一方で、Lick Creek Lineは従来のフォトエッセイの巧妙な仕組を通して作品の意味を見出しています。

「その光景は永遠に続くかのようだ─小さな神話のミケランジェロ風の演出の中で、恐怖と輝きが曖昧な物語の細目にとってかわる。」─ニコラス・ムエルナー「No Such Place」より

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Terms of Use
This Product is offered to you conditioned upon your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions and notices contained herein. Usage of this Product implies acceptance of all such terms, conditions, and notices.

2. Proper Use
This Product is designed for use with pets where training is desired. The specific temperament of your pet may not work with this Product.We recommend that you not use this Product if your pet is less than 8 pounds or if your pet is aggressive. If you are unsure whether this is appropriate for your pet please consult your veterinarian or certified trainer.

Proper use includes reviewing the entire Guide provided with your Product and any specific Caution statements.


1 利用規約


2 適切な使用


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

No Unlawful or Prohibited Use
This Product is designed for use with pets only.This pet training device is not intended to harm, injure or provoke. Using this Product in a way that is not intended could result in violation of Federal, State or local laws.

Limitation of Liability
In no event shall Radio Systems Corp be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of this Product. Buyer assumes all risks and liability from the use of this Product.

Modification of Terms and Conditions
Radio Systems Corp reserves the right to change the terms, conditions and notices under which this Product is offered.




Radio Systems Corpは本製品の使用、或いは誤用から生じたり、これに関連して起こったりする全ての直接的、間接的、懲罰的、偶発的、特別的、結果的損害に関していかなる場合も責めを負わないものとします。本製品の購入者は本製品の使用による全てのリスクと法的責任を負うものとします。

Radio Systems Corp は本製品が提供される規約、条件、通知を権利を所有します。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

・Compact, easy to use, rugged, and waterproof
• Five intensity levels – set intensity instantly with a press of a button
• Bark OdometerTM – Counts the number of times your dog barks so you can determine its effectiveness, even when you are not home, and then adjust intensity as needed
• Internal Bark Sensor is activated by vocal cords and designed to help minimize false stimulation
• Consistent and dependable so your dog receives the same stimulation each and every time
• Easy-to-see light confirms on/off, intensity level, and low battery
• Choice of long or short contact points for differing coat thickness
• Strap adjusts easily for a perfect fit with any size dog










3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

In all, two thousand men heard the screams. For hours, the noise of flesh peeling from bone mingled with the keening of prayers to a god that world not answer.
Two thousand men listened that night, taking singular comfort in the fact that the howls from the basement weren't their own. Sadly Tom Cassidy wasn't among their number.
"Well, killebrew?" "well, what? you want miracles, warden, go find a priest. Me, I'm jlist a genetics jockey with a wicked set of tools. I7ve been at this a long time. I know what I'm looking at. For pity's sake... the man's entire cellular structure is being choked off by a viral wooden growth! I said I could cure him. I didn't say it would be easy.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Your TOUR V2 is constructed with an adjustable eyepiece (+/- 2 Diopter Adjustment) that allows one
to focus the LCD display relative to the image. Simply rotate the eyepiece until the reticle and object
distanced to are in focus to your eye.
While looking through the 5x eyepiece, depress the power button once to activate the in-view Liquid
Crystal Display (LCD). Place the aiming circle (located in the center of the field of view) upon a target
at least 5 yards away, depress and hold the power button down until the range reading is displayed
near the bottom of the in-view display. Crosshairs surrounding the aiming circle indicate that the laser is
being transmitted.



ツアーV2は調節可能な接眼レンズ((+/- 2 ジオプター調節) で組み立てられており、LCDディスプレーが対象に焦点を合わせることが可能になります。肉眼で、十字線と対象物との焦点が合うまで接眼レンズを回してください。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

High Energy Neodymium Drivers
Efficient Neodymium drivers reproduce clear mid-range and low-end sound for a full, portable music experience
Multi-Layer Diaphragms
High quality large driver units accurately reproduce a broad, dynamic frequency range. High-energy neodymium magnets, 30mm drivers and multi-layer dome diaphragms combine to provide serious sound quality, while swivel earcups add collapsible convenience--making these headphones a perfectly portable companion to your iPod or portable MP3 player
Rugged Y-Type Cord
A rugged Ytype design makes for a tangle-free experience. The L-shaped 3.5mm stereo plug gives a lower profile for a more comfortable experience when, say, your MP3 player is in your jacket pocket.






3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for emailing QVC and for allowing us to address your concerns
today regarding your order for item V31881.

We apologize for any disappointments, unfortunately, your order has not
been approved for release and your fans have not been shipped.

We cannot use a foreign credit card for purchases and, unfortunately, we
have also not been able to verify any information on the order including
the telephone number provided.

To have your order released for shipping, it will be necessary to provide a
credit card that can be verified.

As always, your business is greatly appreciated and we hope that you have a
wonderful week.


QVC にメールをくださり、本日お客様がご注文になりました商品V31881についての懸念をお伝えくださいましたことにお礼を申し上げます。



