Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

As Apple's smartphones grew in popularity, so too did the operating system powering them. comScore has Apple's iOS at 37.9 percent of the U.S. smartphone market in January of 2013, up 3.5 percentage points from October of 2012 and 1.6 points from December. BlackBerry was hurt most by Apple's growth, losing 1.9 points in the period, but iOS' growth appears to have come from customers switching from all platforms, including Android, Microsoft OSes, and Symbian.

The growth in Apple's share of the smartphone segment no doubt stems in large part from the launch of the iPhone 5. Apple's last two handsets, the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S, were the two most popular smartphones on the market over the fourth quarter of 2012.


Appleのスマートフォンの人気が高まるにつれ、オペレーションシステムもスマートフォンの機能を強化した。comScoreのレポートによると、2013年1月現在、アメリカのスマートフォン市場のAppleの iOSの占有率は37.9%で、2012年10月比で3.5%上昇、同年12月比で1.6 上昇した。BlackBerryはAppleの成長により最も打撃を受けており、同期の占有率が1.9%落ちたが、iOSの成長はAndroid、Microsoft OS、Symbianを含む全てのプラットフォームからの顧客の乗り換えによるものとみられる。

Appleのスマートフォン分野の占有率の拡大は、その大部分がiPhone 5によるものであることは間違いない。Appleの最新の2つの端末iPhone 5とiPhone 4Sは2012年第4四半期を通して市場で最も人気のスマートフォンだった。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

So spake Octavian.Thereupon some of his hearers went again to Praeneste.Lucius said to them merely,that both sides had already begun hostilities, that Octavian was practising deception; for he had lately sent a legion to Brundusium to prevent Antony from coming home. Manius showed also a letter of Antony's, either true or fictitious, saying that they should fight if anybody assailed his dignity. When the senators asked if anybody had assailed Antony's dignity, and urged Manius to submit that question to trial, he indulged in many other quibbles till they went away unsuccessful. Nor did they collectively bring any answer to Octavian, either because they had communicated it each for himself, or because they were



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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ashamed, or for some other reason. The war broke out and Octavian set forth to take part in it, leaving Lepidus with two legions to guard Rome. Most of the aristocrats then most clearly showed, by joining Lucius, that they were not pleased with the rule of the triumvirs.3The following were the principal events of the war. A sedition broke out in two of Lucius' legions at Alba, which expelled their commanding officers and began to revolt. Both Octavian and Lucius hastened to them. Lucius arrived there first and kept them by a large donative and great promises. While Furnius was bringing a reinforcement to Lucius, Octavian fell upon his rearguard. Furnius took refuge on a hill and withdrew by night, suspecting



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

an ambush,but the next day he laid siege to Sentia and Furnius' camp together.Lucius, who was hastening toward Rome,sent forward three cohorts,which effected an entrance into the city clandestinely by night.He followed with his main army and some cavalry and gladiators. Nonius, who had charge of the gates, admitted him,and handed over to him the forces under his own command. Lepidus fled to Octavian. Lucius made a speech to the citizens, saying that he should visit punishment upon Octavian and Lepidus for their lawless rule, and that his brother would voluntarily resign his share of it and accept the consulship, exchanging an unlawful magistracy for a lawful one, a tyranny for the constitution of their fathers.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Both Octavian and Lucius sent recruiting officers throughout Italy, who had skirmishes with each other of more or less importance, and frequent ambuscades. The good-will of the Italians was of great service to Lucius, as they believed that he was fighting for them against the new colonists. Not only the cities that had been designated for the army, but almost the whole of Italy, rose, fearing like treatment. They drove out of the towns, or killed, those who were borrowing money from the temples for Octavian, manned their walls, and joined Lucius. On the other hand, the colonised soldiers joined Octavian. Each one in both parties took sides as though this were his own war.Though these events were taking place,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavian nevertheless convoked the Senate and the equestrian order and addressed them as follows:"I know very well that I am accused by Lucius and his friends of weakness and want of courage because I do not fight them, and that I shall be still further accused on account of my calling you together. But I have strong forces who have suffered wrong in common with me, both those who have been dispossessed of their colonies by Lucius and the others whom I have in hand; and I am strong in all other respects except only in the purpose to fight. I am not fond of fighting in civil wars except under dire necessity, or of wasting the remainder of our citizens in conflicts with each other; least of all in this civil war,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

whose horrors will not be announced to us from Macedonia or Thrace,but will take place in Italy itself, which, if it becomes the field of battle, must suffer countless evils in addition to the loss of life. For these reasons I hesitate.And now I do still protest that I do Antony no wrong, nor do I suffer any wrong from him,but I beseech you to reason with Lucius and his friends on your own account, and to bring them to a reconciliation with me. If you cannot even now persuade them, I shall presently show them that I have hitherto been moved by good-will, not by cowardice; and I ask you to be witnesses for me not only among yourselves, but also to Antony, and to sustain me on account of the arrogance of Lucius."



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The affairs of Octavian were in disorder outside of Italy also. For Pompeius,by reason of the proscription, the colonising of the soldiers,and these dissensions with Lucius, had gained much in reputation and power.Those who feared for their safety, or had been despoiled of their property,or who utterly abhorred the form of government, mostly went and joined him. Young men, also, eager for military service for the sake of gain, who thought that it made no difference under whom they served, since all service was Roman service, rather preferred to join Pompeius as representing the better cause. He had become rich by sea-robbery and had a numerous fleet and full crews.Murcus joined him with two legions of soldiers,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

500 archers, a large sum of money, and eighty ships; he also sent for the other army from Cephallenia. Accordingly, some persons think that if Pompeius had then invaded Italy, which was wasted with famine and civil strife, and was looking for him, he might easily have mastered it.But Pompeius lacked wisdom. His idea was not to invade, but only to defend, and this he did till he failed in that also. In Africa Sextius had just delivered his army, in pursuance of an order from Lucius, to Fango. He was ordered to resume the command, and as Fango would not relinquish it he collected a force composed of retired veterans, a miscellaneous crowd of Africans, and auxiliaries of the native princes,and made war on him.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Two legions of the army which had been colonised at Ancona and which had served under the elder Caesar and under Antony, hearing of the respective preparations for war, and being moved by friendship for each of them, sent ambassadors to Rome to beseech them both to come to an agreement. Octavian replied that he was not making war against Antony, but that Lucius was making war against him. The ambassadors then united with the officers of this army in a common embassy to Lucius asking him to submit his controversy with Octavian to a tribunal; and they made it plain what they would do if he should not accept the decision. Lucius and his friends accepted the proposal, and fixed the place for the trial at Gabii,



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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a city midway between Rome and Praeneste. A council-chamber was prepared for the arbiters, and two platforms for the speakers in the centre, as in a regular trial. Octavian, who arrived first, sent some horsemen along the road by which Lucius was to come, in order to find out whether any stratagem was discoverable. These met certain horsemen of Lucius, either his advance guard or men spying like the others, and as the two parties came into collision killed some of them. Lucius retreated, saying that he was afraid of being entrapped, and, although recalled by the officers of the army, who promised to escort him, he could not be persuaded to come again.Thus the negotiations came to nothing,and Octavian and Lucius



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
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The officers of the armies bound themselves by an oath to act as umpires again between their magistrates,to decide what was right,and to coerce whichever should refuse to obey the decision;and they summoned Lucius to attend for this purpose.These refused to come,and Octavian reproached them in invidious terms to the officers of the army and in the presence of the optimates of Rome.The latter hastened to Lucius and implored him to have pity on the city and on Italy,torn by the civil wars,and to consent that by common agreement the decision should rest with themselves or with the officers.Although Lucius had respect for the speakers and for what they said,Manius boldly declared that while Antony was doing nothing



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

but collecting money from foreigners,Octavian was, by his favors,preoccupying the affections of the army and the desirable places in Italy;for that defrauding Antony he had freed Cisalpine Gaul,which had previously been given to Antony;that he had assigned to the soldiers almost the whole of Italy instead of the eighteen cities;that, instead of the twenty-eight legions that had participated in the battle,he had admitted thirty-four to a share of the lands and also of the money from the temples, which he had collected on the pretext of fighting Pompeius,against whom he had done nothing as yet, although the city was oppressed by famine; that he had distributed this money in order to curry favor with the soldiers,


外国人から金を集めているのに、Octavianはその好意によってイタリアの魅力的な場所で軍の兵士らの心を奪っている。そのため詐欺まがいのAntonyは以前自分に与えられたCisalpine Gaulを手放し、18都市に代わってイタリアのほぼ全土を兵士らに譲渡し、戦争に参加した28レギオンに代わって34レギオンに対し、土地と金を分けることを認めた。その金は、ローマ市は飢饉で苦しんでいるにもかかわらず、AntonyはPompeiusに対してまだ何もしておらず、そのPompeiusと戦うという口実の下、寺院から集めたものだ。Antonyは偏見によって、兵士らの機嫌を取るためにその金をばらまき、