Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

1.Place a 964gr or larger container under the cappuccino frother.

2.Empty the water tank and then refill it with 1 qt. of water. Add a bottle of DuraGol Descaler to the tank.

3.Press the "On/Off" power button. Wait for the "1-cup" and "2-cups" lights to glow green.

4.Push and hold the "Rinse and Decalcification" button under the "Decalcification Warning" light for at least five seconds. If your machine is working correctly, the light stops flashing and glows steadily and the "1-cup" and "2-cups" lights turn off.

5.Grasp the "Steam" knob and turn it left halfway for the cycle to begin. The solution runs through the tube and out the frother in spurts as the cycle runs.


1 カプチーノ泡だて器の下に964グラム以上の容器を置いてください。
2 水タンクを空にして1クォート(946ml)の水を入れてください。DuraGol Descalerボトルをタンクにつけてください。
3 電源ボタンを押して「1カップ」「2カップ」のライトが緑色になるのを待ちます。
4 「脱石灰化警告」(Decalcification Warning)ライトの下の「すすぎと脱石灰化」(Rinse and Decalcification)ボタンを最低5秒押し続けてください。マシンが正常に作動している場合はライトが点滅しなくなり、点灯した状態になり、「1カップ」「2カップ」のライトが消えます。
5 循環が始まるよう「スチーム」ノブをつかんで半ば左に動かしてください。循環するにつれて、液剤がチューブ内を通り、泡だて器に激しい勢いで出てきます。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

6.Return the "Steam" knob to its original position when the "Water Empty/Missing" light turns on.

7.Dispose of the solution when the cycle ends. Rinse the container thoroughly. Return it to its spot under the frother.

8.Remove the water tank. Rinse it thoroughly with hot water. Refill it with fresh water and return it to the machine.

9.Turn the "Steam" knob left halfway. Wait for the machine to heat the water and cycle it through the tube into the container. The "Decalcification Warning" light will turn off. Return the "Steam" knob to its original position.

10.Discard the water in the container. Refill the water tank. Brew your beverages as desired.


6 「水なし/蒸発」ライトが点灯したら「スチーム」ノブを元の位置に戻します。
7 循環が終了したら液剤を捨ててください。容器を完全にすすいでから泡だて器の下の位置に戻してください。
8 水タンクを取り除きます。お湯で完全にすすいでから新鮮な水を入れてマシンに戻してください。
9 「スチーム」ノブを半ば左にターンさせます。お湯が沸いてチューブを通って容器に入るまで待ちます。「脱石灰化警告」ライトが消えたら「スチーム」ノブを元の位置に戻してください。
10 容器の中の水を捨てて、タンクに水を補充してください。あとはお好きなお飲物をお楽しみいただけます。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

While these events were in progress,Fulvia was dead.The death seemed extremely fortunate to both of the parties who were rid of her.Nevertheless,Antony was much saddened by this event because he considered himself in some sense the cause of it.There was a certain Lucius Cocceius,who had been sent ,in company with Caecina, by Octavian,the previous summer, to Antony in Phoenicia, and had remained with Antony after Caecina returned.This Cocceius pretended that he had been sent for by Octavian.When Antony allowed him to go he asked,by way of testing his disposition,whether Antony would like to write any letter to Octavian making use of himself as his messenger.Antony replied:"I wrote letters in reply to his of some


このような出来事が起こっていた間Fluviaが亡くなった。この死はFluviaを追い出した両者にとって非常に幸いだった。それにもかかわらず、Antonyはある意味でFluviaが亡くなったのは自分のせいだと考えていたため、深い悲しみに包まれた。前年の夏、Lucius Cocceiusなる男がOctavianによってCaecinaと共にPhoeniciaにいるAntonyの下に派遣され、CaecinaがOctavianのところに戻った後もAntonyの所に留まっていた。AntonyがLucius CocceiusにOctavianの下に戻る許可を与えた時、LuciusはAntonyがどうするか試すために、自分を使者として利用してOctavianに手紙を書くかどうかを尋ねた。Antonyは「Octavianからの手紙の返信をいつぞや書いてCaecinaに持たせて送った。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

time ago,which I sent by the hand of Caecina.Take copies of those."
This he said by way of jest,but Cocceius would not yet allow him to call Octavian an enemy after his generous behavior towards Lucius.But Antony replied:"He has shut me out of " Cocceius, after hearing these complaints, did not care to irritate further a naturally passionate disposition,but proceeded to make his visit to Octavian.When Octavian saw him he expressed astonishment that he had not come sooner."I did not save your brother," he exclaimed, "in order that you should be my enemy." Cocceius replied, "How is it that you, who make friends out of enemies, call your friends enemies and take from them their armies and provinces?"
"It was not



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

fitting," replied Octavian,"that resources should be left in the hands of such a stripling as Calenus' son. Asinius was about to use them. So, too, I took sudden possession of the legions of Plancus, in order that they might not join the Pompeians. His cavalry has actually gone to Sicily." "These matters have been told differently,"said Cocceius; "but even Antony did not credit the statements made to him."
"I gave no order on that subject," replied Octavian,"for I did not know beforehand that he was coming, nor did I anticipate that he would come here with enemies.The Brundusians themselves and the praefect, who had been left with them on account of the raids of Ahenobarbus, of their own motion excluded Antony."



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavian, attacked so suddenly, sent Agrippa into Ausonia to succour the distressed inhabitants.While marching to Brundusium with another army he again fell in with the colonized veterans,and interceded with them, and prevailed upon those who had been colonized by himself to follow him.They were ashamed to refuse,but they had the secret intention to bring Antony and Octavian into harmony with each other,and if Antony should refuse and go to war,then to defend Octavian.The latter was detained some days at Canusium by sickness.Although his forces considerably outnumbered those of Antony,he found Brundusium walled in,and he could do nothing but encamp alongside of it and await events.Antony was about to attack the


Octavianは急襲をかけ、動転する住民らを救助するためにAgrippa をAusoniaに贈った。別の軍と共にBrundusiumに進軍する途中、彼は再び入植した古参兵に出くわし、彼らに働きかけて入植していた兵士らに対して彼についてくるよう説得した。彼らは拒むことを恥じたが、AntonyとOctavianを和解させ、もしAntonyがそれを拒否した戦争に突入すればOctavianを擁護するという密かな意図があった。Octavianは病のために数日間Canusiumに滞留した。自分の軍隊はAntony軍より数の上では遥かに勝っていたが、Brundusiumが塀で囲まれているのを見て、塀沿いに野営して成り行きを見守るより他なかった。AntonyはBrundusiumの住民を攻撃しようとしており、

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Brundusians, to the great chagrin of Octavian, since he was not able to defend them. When it was announced that Servilius was coming to the assistance of Octavian,Antony could not restrain his rage, but sprang up from supper, and, with such friends as he could find ready and with 400 horse,he pressed forward with the utmost intrepidity, and fell upon the 1500, who were still asleep near the town of Hyria, captured them without a fight, and returned to Brundusium.Thus did the reputation that Antony had gained at Philippi as invincible still inspire terror.Antony's praetorian cohorts, proud of his prestige, approached the camp of Octavian and reproached their former comrades for coming hither to fight Antony.When


Octavianは彼らを守ることができなかったため、非常に悔しがった。Servilius がOctavianの援護に駆けつけていると聞くと、Antonyは激しい怒りを抑えることができず、夕食中だったら飛び上がり、準備のできている友人と400頭の馬を従え、大胆に突き進み、Hyriaの街近くでまだ眠っていた1500名の兵士に出くわすと戦うことなく彼らを捕え、Brundusiumに戻った。こうしてAntonyがPhillipiの戦いで得た無敵との評判がまた恐怖を引き起こした。Antonyの近衛軍の歩兵隊はその評判を誇りに思い、Octavianの陣地に近づき、こちらに来てAntonyと戦おうとしたかつての仲間を非難した。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

the latter replied that the others had come making war against themselves,they fell to arguing and brought charges against each other.Antony's men said that Calenus' troops had been taken from him,the others spoke of the investment and siege of Brundusium,the invasion of Southern Italy,the agreement with Ahenobarbus,and the treaty with Pompeius, their common enemy.Octavian's men revealed their purpose to the others, saying that they had come with Octavian, not because they were forgetful of Antony's merits, but with the intention of bringing them to an agreement, or, if Antony refused and continued the war, of defending Octavian against him.These things they openly said also when they approached Antony's works.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The package that has been flagged in your account for Export review requires additional information for release. Our new policy involves reviewing certain types of items including possible weapons parts and electronic components to determine if they are controlled for export. Please provide us with the webpage link where you purchased the item, a merchant invoice or order confirmation, and if possible the ECCN export control coding in order for us to determine if your item can be released for export.

Please note it may take a minimum of 3 business days to review these items depending on the amount of information available.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.


お客様のアカウントの中の輸出審査のところに印がつけられております小包を解除するためには追加の情報が必要です。弊社の新しい方針では武器の部品となり得る製品や電子部品を含むある種の商品が輸出規制にかからないかどうかを決定するための審査をすることになっております。お客様の商品が輸出用に解除出来るかどうかを弊社で決定するため、ウェブページのリンクで、お客様が商品を買われた場所、マーチャントのインボイス或いは注文確認、そして可能であればECCN (輸出規制品目分類番号)をお送りください。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Then he summoned Lucius to his presence and praised him for his attachment to his brother,because he had taken the blame upon himself while carrying out Antony's wishes,but reproached him with ingratitude,if, after meeting such a favor from himself, he should now refuse to make confession regarding Antony, who was said to have formed an alliance openly with Pompeius. "Having confidence in you," he said, "when Calenus died I took charge of his provinces and army through my friends for Antony, so that they might not be without a head, but now that the plot is unveiled I shall keep them all for myself, and if you wish to go to your brother I will allow you to do so fearlessly." He spoke thus, either to test Lucius



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

or in order that what he said might reach Antony.Lucius replied,saying,"I shall always set my country above gratitude and above family." Octavian said that he would entrust to Lucius,because he was what he was, the whole of Spain, and the army in it, with Lucius,who now commanded it,as his lieutenants.Thus Octavian dismissed Lucius with honor, but kept a secret watch upon him by means of his lieutenants.From thence Antony and Ahenobarbus sailed to Brundusium, which was garrisoned by five cohorts of Octavian's troops. The citizens closed their gates against Ahenobarbus, as an old enemy, and against Antony, as one introducing an enemy.Antony was indignant, and considering this a pretence, and that he was shut out



3_yumie7 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

He believes that this model will be positioned as a budget iPhone for emerging markets,but it is likely to sell for $450 due to its high specs.He had previously suggested that the low-cost iPhone should sell for $250 to $350.

Misek also notes that Apple is likely to experience slow sales after the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S4 this Thursday.

Misek compares Apple to HTC and Blackberry noting that:

“Historically when handset makers fall out of favor (eg the RAZR,BBRY,HTC) they fall faster/further than expected,” writes Street Insider.

The new iPhone is expected to have the following features:

Range of color options,including pink and blue
Super HD camera with a 13-megapixel sensor
NFC chip
Apple A7 quad-core processor



またミセク氏は今週木曜日にサムスンのGalaxy S4がリリースされた後、アップルは低調な売れ行きを経験することになろうとも述べている。


アップル A7クアッドコア・プロセッサ

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavian was planning to get possession of another considerable army belonging to Antony, that was under the command of Fufius Calenus near the alps. He already had suspicions of Antony, and he hoped, if the latter remained friendly, to preserve these forces for him, or, if war should break out, to add this large force to his own strength. While he was still delaying and looking around for a fair-seeming occasion, Calenus died; and Octavian, believing that he had found a good excuse for both transactions, went and took possession of the army and of Gaul and Spain besides, which were also Antony's provinces. Fufius, the son of Calenus, was terrified, and delivered everything over to him without a fight.


Octavianは別のAntonyが持ち、アルプス山脈近くでFufius Calenus が指揮を取るかなりの規模の軍隊を手に入れようと計画していた。OctavianはすでにAntonyを疑っており、もしAntonyが友好的な関係を保るのならこの軍隊を自分の持るか、或いはこの大軍を自分の軍に加えるために戦争を起こすことを望んでいた。Octavianはそれを先延ばしにし、よいチャンスが訪れるのを待っていると、Calenusが亡くなった。Octavianは両者の取引によい口実が見つかったと信じ

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Octavian, having these large provinces by one stroke, dismissed the chief officers from their commands, substituted his own, and returned to Rome. Antony's mother, who had fled to Pompeius, had been sent thither by him from Sicily, and escorted by Lucius Libo, by Saturninus and others, who, being attracted by Antony's capacity for great deeds, sought to bring him into friendly relations with Pompeius and to form an alliance between them against Octavian. Antony replied that he would requite him for the service in due time; that if there should be a war with Octavian he would ally himself with Pompeius, but that if Octavian should adhere to their agreements he would endeavour to reconcile him with Pompeius.


これらの大きな地方を一撃で手にしたOctavianは上級士官を辞めさせて自分の士官と入れ替えてローマにもどった。Pompeiusに逃げていたAntonyの母親は、Lucius LiboやSaturninus が護衛して、AntonyによってSicilyからそちらへ送られていた。Lucius LiboとSaturninus はAntonyの偉業を成し遂げる力に惹かれ、Pompeiusと有効な関係を持ってOctavianに対する同盟を築かせようとした。Antonyは彼に時期が来ればその役割に報いよう、もしOctavianと戦わなくてはならなくなれば、Pompeiusと同盟を組むだろうが、Octavianが我々の合意を守れば彼がPompeiusと和解するよう努力するだろう、と述べた。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Such was his answer, and when Octavian returned from Gaul to Rome he heard about those who had set sail for Athens. Not knowing exactly what answer Antony had given them, he began to excite the colonized soldiers against the latter, representing that Antony intended to bring back Pompeius with the owners of the lands which the soldiers now held, for most of the owners had taken refuge with Pompeius. Although this cause of irritation was plausible, the soldiers would not even then take up arms against Antony with any zeal, so popular had he become by the reputation he had gained at Philippi. Octavian considered himself likely to be far superior to Antony, Pompeius, and Ahenobarbus in the number of troops,

