Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

PMOK producers are eclectic. Almost 50% of PMOK producers describe their style as electronica. Almost 40% produce soundtracks, though, and over 30% mainly rock music. Of course, it’s possible that some of these people produce music in multiple genres.
Version 6 2013-07-08

Most PMOK users see themselves as either a Composer/Songwriter or Producer.
Over 25% of PMOK producers are professionals, and almost 40% earn some money from their music.
Of all three brands, PMOK has the highest percentage of experts – almost 30%, compared to about 15% for the other two product brands.
Most live in the USA, with a significant number also living in Germany and the UK.


バージョン6 2013年7月8日


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

HCSAM producers create mainly EDM (45%) or hip hop/R&B (40%). Urban music is much more popular in the US than in Europe and EDM is much more popular in Europe than the US, though the latest trend in the US shows that EDM is getting more and more popular.
Urban/hip hop producers mostly use HCSAM as their central and main production instrument before finalizing the song (incl. Vocal recordings) in another 3rd party DAW. These producers are very interested in additional sounds, and the range of HCSAM EXPANSIONS is designed to meet this need. As producers, HCSAM users are also interested in PMOK Instruments and Effects.


HCSAMのプロデューサーは主にEDM(45%)、ヒップホップとR&B (40%)を創作しています。アーバンミュージックの人気はヨーロッパよりもアメリカの方がはるかに高く
アーバンミュージックやヒップホップのプロデューサーの大半は、別の第三者DAW(デジタルオーディオワークステーション)で(ボーカルの録音を含む)仕上げをする前に、HCSAMを主要な作曲ツールとして使用しています。このようなプロデューサーは、付加的なサウンドにも強い関心を持っているため、HCSAM EXPANSIONS はこのようなユーザーのニーズに応えられるよう設計されています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

They’re active online, frequently visiting music tech company websites, online forums, and blogs. Popular sites include: soundonsound.com, KVRaudio.com, Gearslutz.com, and computermusic.com

Electronic dance music producers use HCSAM mostly in combination with other 3rd party studio soft- and hardware. HCSAM is often used as an additional instrument as a plug-in inside a DAW (like Ableton, Logic, Cubase), and not in stand-alone mode as an independent instrument.
70% of HCSAM producers describe themselves as advanced or expert users.
Popular sites include: gearslutz.com, createdigitalmusic.com, worldstarhiphop.com, bluntgutsnation.com, moovmnt.com




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Tone and style of communication
Our readers/customers are looking for new ways to make music. They want to buy music equipment, either from EVITAN or our competitors. They want to buy products that are exciting, inspiring, and useful, so it’s our job to demonstrate just how exciting, inspiring, and useful our products are. People want to buy cool products, not dull products.
Version 6 2013-07-08

Our customers also want easy-to-use products that don’t get in the way of making music. And they expect almost instant results – we need to describe and promote our products without making them sound too complicated.


バージョン6 2013年7月8日


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text


Add thundering percussion to your productions with the full-force sound of QUANTUM DAMAGE – epic, earth-shattering drums.

QUANTUM DAMAGE contains an array of specially-treated, high-tension kicks, snares, and hi-hats for devastating impact. Create tense, razor-sharp beats with an inspiring selection of cinematic and industrial drums and short percussive samples. You also get long-decaying effect sounds, giving you the expansive, brooding sound of cinematic sequences and film scores.

Get SUPERCHARGER GT now for $ 49 / 49 € / £42 / ¥ 4,800 at the NI Online Shop.



QUANTUM DAMAGE の地を揺るがすドラムの大迫力サウンドで、あなたの作品に迫力のあるパーカッションを加えてください。
QUANTUM DAMAGE には破壊力のあるインパクトを与えるための特殊加工を施したハイテンションキック、スネア、ハイハット等々が含まれています。映画用、商業用のドラム、短い打楽器の息を飲むような選りすぐりのサンプルの中から緊張感のある剃刀のように鋭いビートを創り出してください。また、長時間崩れ落ちるような効果音も得られますので、映画のシーケンスや映画音楽の暗く、広がるようなサウンドを創りだすことができます。

今ならNI オンラインショップでSUPERCHARGER GT が49ドル/49ユーロ/42ポンド/4800円でお求めになれます。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

"Your brand can fully benefit from having fans when most of your ads show social context, which increases advertising effectiveness and efficiency," the document states.

The fact that less and less of brands' content will surface is described as a result of increased competition for limited space, since "content that is eligible to be shown in news feed is increasing at a faster rate than people's ability to consume it." Publishers are one factor in the heightened competition, since Facebook announced earlier this week that links to news articles will be given more prominence, especially on mobile devices, via an algorithm change.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The three-page document also contains a section that repositions how marketers should think about fan acquisition: as a tool for making paid advertising more effective. While free distribution of content is mentioned, it's the third business benefit listed after "improve advertising effectiveness" (through ads with social context, which is enabled by a substantial fan base) and "lower cost for paid distribution" (since Facebook makes it cheaper to deliver ads with social context.)

In other words, the main reason to acquire fans isn't to build a free distribution channel for content; it's to make future Facebook ads work better.


