國行敬子 (2015keikoinjapan) Translations

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Almost 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
Journalism Music Business
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
2015keikoinjapan English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I think it wasnt working maybe its blocked? again sorry for the delays, its been a terrible time with illnesses.you will give me trouble? what do you mean by that? I am a very honest seller as all my feedback states and I have never ever had any trouble with anyone, been doing business for many many years. I have been trying to send the pictures not sure why I thought it may be blocked because i try from my cell phone or my tablet. I have been in and out of town for the past two months. I explained the delay to you but as I stated she is packed up and ready to go, if you prefer a refund let me know as I do not like anyone telling me that they will give me trouble.



2015keikoinjapan English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

For this latest project, Eutelsat is setting up a new company, based in London, to oversee the African satellite broadband rollout. Facebook says it will work with “local partners” across Africa to help deliver services, using both satellite and terrestrial capacity.

“Facebook’s mission is to connect the world and we believe that satellites will play an important role in addressing the significant barriers that exist in connecting the people of Africa,” said Chris Daniels, VP of Facebook’s Internet.org program. “We are looking forward to partnering with Eutelsat on this project and investigating new ways to use satellites to connect people in the most remote areas of the world more efficiently.”



「Facebookの使命は世界をつなげることです。アフリカの人々がつながるのに妨げになっていた多大な障壁を取り崩すために、サテライトが重要な役割を果たすと我々は信じています」と、FacebookのInternet.orgのプログラムVPであるChris Daniels氏は言う。「私たちはEutelsatとこのプロジェクトでパートナーとなること、そしてサテライトをどのように使えるか、新しい試みを考えることで世界の最も疎外された地域でも効率良く人をつなげることが出来るのを楽しみにしています。」