14pon Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

she will not take anything finally nor the ticket, nor the book!
So, you will have to send me only the strap with the ticket.
but there will be 2 tickets cause I told you to take another one for you I will pay too so you can have also a goodies !
this is my way to thank you!

You are really sure ?
You don't want to keep it ?
Because if you want I am ok not to get it !
But thank you very much you are so kind !
No I don't think I could read a whole novel in Japanese.
so I guess except to pay a high price.
For the file holder, it is so cheap beside the eBay price.
yea please take it for me.
You will add it to the invoice of course ! Thank you
You are welcome !!! I am so looking forward to send it to you !!!




14pon English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


I'm interested in this figure of your: B00BBRMZV8 (Piccola farfalla nome d'arte) figura 10 ‹ anniversario ver tipo vol.2 SP C Choko di Dream of Butterfly; (you'll find attached to this mail a photo of the piece you're selling on Amazon to make sure it's the right one we're talkin' about) and I wish to know if this is the Dog Version or another one, since the box it's not visible in your ad on Amazon.

Moreover, I wish to know what is your policy about shipments abroad: when you compile the packing slip, do you report duly the value paid by the buyer or do you report a value adjusted (i.e. under 2500 Yen) to avoid the buyer additional taxes and duties?


B00BBRMZV8 (Piccola farfalla nome d'arte) フィギュア 10 ‹ anniversario ver tipo vol.2 SP C Choko di Dream of Butterflyです。あなたがAmazonで売っていらっしゃるものですが、どれの話をしているのかわかるように写真を添付しました。これはDog バージョンですか?もうひとつのほうですか?Amazon上の広告からは箱が見えないので。


14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

Even if we are doing anything possibile, it's correct to inform Consumer and to help you to be refund for money you spent.
Due to that problem we immediately suggest to claim your payment to your Credit Card company and be refund.
Like a new company that follow & manage today FashionQueen.net we can assit you, so for any question or help you need we are at your disposal with our Customer Care (info@fashionqueen.net).Please always report your order number to help us.
Claim the payment is easy. Contact your Credit Card company and ask them the form to claim it. In about 30/60 days (it depend from Card to Card) like consumer you are full refund. You must claim the payment as per goods never received!
At your disposal,


FashionQueen.net は新しい会社ではありますが、(訳注:ここはよくわからない書き方がされています)お客様にはしっかりと対応させていただきますので、何かご質問等ございましたら何なりとCustomer Care(info@fashionqueen.net)までお問い合わせください。その際は、ご注文番号をお伝えください。

14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your dealings with me advise me all the information
if you dont mind, can u ask ur friend or anyone can make for me like yours please with the lights on front,back and top
let me know how much the prices gonna be plz

Can you tell me where you can draw the body RTR? Thank you

I heard a long time nothing from you
But it doesnt matter
I have a bad news I had starting buliding the Baja RTR and yeah
The cage was nearly finished an then our house went burning becaus me Welding Machine had began to burn
I m very sad about this becaus the RTR my Inferno MP9 TKI3 my Inferno GT2 are all burned down
Now I have just stil buy an Axial SCX10 an it s a very nice crawler
I didn t find any videos on youtube from your car




ちっとも連絡くれないけど、そんなことはどうでもいいんだ。悪い話があるんだけど、Baja RTR を作り始めていて、それで、ケージがもうちょっとでできるというときに、うちが火事になっちゃって。溶接機使ってたらそれが燃え始めて。もう悲惨。RTRもMP9もGT2も、みーんな燃えちゃった。Axial SCXをかろうじて買ったんだけど、とてもいいクローラーなんだ。
このごろ君の車の動画、Youtube で見かけないね?

14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

Step 5: Watch your e-mail for a decision from Amazon
After receiving your Plan of Action, we'll notify you of our decision by e-mail, usually within 48 hours. We review all appeals carefully; however, submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of your account.

How do I create a Plan of Action?
Your appeal should always include a Plan of Action that shows you have identified the problems in your selling and/or inventory management practices and addresses how you will change your practices to resolve them. Below are a few examples to illustrate this.


Step 5: Amazonから決定通知のメールが来ていないか、注意していてください。


14pon English → Japanese
Original Text

Setting shipping lead times – are you setting shipping lead times that are too short?
Communication with buyers – are you effectively responding to buyer questions and doing so promptly and politely?
Stocking inventory – are you consistently running out of inventory and cancelling orders?
Listings – are you describing your items accurately in your listing comments?
Policy Violations
If your account was suspended/blocked for violations of our policies, review your inventory to determine whether it includes Prohibited Content and/or Restricted Products, and compare your selling practices with our Selling Policies.


配送所用期間の設定 - あなたは短すぎる配送所用期間を設定しようとしていませんか?

購入者とのコミュニケーション - あなたはきちんと購入者の質問に答えていますか?また、素早く、丁寧に答えていますか?

商品在庫 - しょっちゅう在庫切れによる注文キャンセルを起こしていませんか?

出品商品 - 商品に関する事項を、正確に説明コメントで書いていますか?

規定違反 - あなたのアカウントの停止/ブロックの理由が規定違反であった場合は、商品の中に禁止品や制限品が含まれていないか確認してください。また、弊社の販売規定と、あなたが実際に行っている販売行動を照らし合わせてください。