14pon Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
14pon Japanese → English
Original Text






I have not seen any products posted on eBay out of the list I provided you last week. If you are too busy to do this, I would like to have someone else do it. Do you agree?

Change in Payment Policy

Now I pay your reward when the items you have posted to eBay count up to 50. However, from now on, I will pay your reward by the numbers of items you have posted as of every Sunday. (訳注: 日曜日だけに出品した数、とも、日曜日に払う、ともとれますが、「それまでに出品した数を日曜日時点を持って集計する(して払う、払うのはいつとは言っていない)」、としてあります。)

For example, when you would post 30 items, you would be rewarded by the calculation below:

This is the manual for registering 24.
You must register 24 with your PC.
Enter here the ID I provided.

14pon Japanese → English
Original Text








(Tama-hagane steel is forged by the techniques handed on to generations from ancient times.)

Yasuki-hagane steel is a sophistication of Tama-hagane steel undergone the modern forging techniques to enhance the metal's purity and quality.

As for the way of making a knife, as with us being a team of sword smiths, note that many of sword smithing techniques are adopted, naturally.

I cannot reveal the secret techniques, however, we split the body of soft iron to insert Yasuki-hagane steel in-between. This technique accounts for the sharpness of our knives.

I attach a drawing to show the process.

You may use the pictures to be sent for ● and your website, including the ones of us at work. Use them to make our knives at large in the world.