Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 07 Mar 2017 at 23:54

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 52 大阪の外国語短期大学米英語科を卒業しました。社会に出てからは、会社の海外部...

 1 保護者および当幼児園は信義誠実をもって本契約を履行するものとします。
 2 本契約に定めのない事項及びその解釈に疑義の生じた事項については、児童福祉法、保育所保育指針、認可外保育施設指導監督基準等の法令の定めの趣旨を尊重し、誠意もってこれを協議するものとします。



The 16th Article (the item excluding this contract)
1. Parents and our kindergarten carry out this contract with fidelity and honest.
2. Regarding the items which are not stipulated in this contract and cause doubt against the interpretation, we respect the aim of the regulations of law, such as the Child Welfare Law, Health Center Childcare Guide and the outside sanction childcare facility teaching supervisor standard.

The 17th Article (lawsuit jurisdiction)
When we have conflict regarding this contract, the court which has jurisdiction the location of management is the first exclusive agreement jurisdiction court company.

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