Translator Reviews ( English → Native Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 01 Aug 2011 at 10:20


First of all, where did you get the idea for SnapDish?

Many people like to share their delicious and enjoyable moments with friends, family or ‘gourmet friends’ regardless of which restaurant they had it in or what recipe it is. An easy snap may be enough for everyday food, but with food for special occasions people want to share what kind of food it is, when they had it, where they had it, and with whom they had it with.

There wasn’t an app for that. Facebook, Twitter or Mixi doesn’t do the job, nor do any of the other food photo apps around.




このような用途のアプリはありませんでした。Facebook, Twitter, mixi ではそのような事はできませんでしたし、他の食べもの系写真アプリでもできませんでした。

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