Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 26 Dec 2015 at 16:29

sujiko 50 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...

例)小売価格$50 × 販売数1,000個 × ロイヤリティ3% = $1500

例)小売価格$50 × 卸掛率60% × 販売数5,000個 × ロイヤリティ3% = $4500



As for 1, as retail price of the item is our sales amount, royalty is calculated based on the retail price.
Example: retail price 50 dollars x sales volume 1,000 pieces x royalty 3 percent=1,500 dollars

As for 2, our profit is based on the amount of shipment by excluding the sales fee that we pay for retailer.
Example: retail price 50 dollars x ratio of wholesale price to retail price 60 percent x sales volume 5,000 pieces x royalty 3 percent=4,500 dollars

How often is the royalty paid?
We will total the sales of the items once 6 months and calculate the royalty.

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