Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 53 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 09 Dec 2015 at 01:28


In the most basic of sense, the theory leverages the inherent ability of LED lightbulbs to modulate thousands of light signals basically instantaneously. The technology extracts the information-bearing signal from the LED light’s carrier wave — called demodulation. It then converts the information to binary data, which can be transported to the Internet.

On November 27, the BBC reported that an Estonian company called Velmenni tested a commercial application of the technology and transferred data at a speed of 1Gbps with a theoretical speed of 224 Gbps.



BBCの報道(11月27日発表)によると、Velmenniというエストニアの企業がこの技術に関する商業適用性のテストを行い、理論的には速度224Gbps(224ギガビット毎秒) を示す、1Gbpsの速さでデータを送信した.

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