Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 28 Sep 2015 at 10:46

kohashi 52 米国10年、オランダ2年、英国3年駐在。製薬業界出身。

John the Baptistは、約束の救い主Messiahでもなく、また、預言者Elijahの再来でもなく、また、モーセのような偉大な預言者でもなく、荒れ野で叫ぶ声のような者であるなら、神の名によって洗礼を授けるのはおかしい。叫ぶだけでよいではないか、なぜ、本来、異邦人がイスラエルの宗教に改宗する際の儀式である洗礼なるものを、イスラエルの民に授けたりするのか。


John the Baptist was not the promised savior Messiah nor the second coming of prophet Elijah nor the great prophet Moses. If he was a person who was like a screaming voice in wasteland, then it was wrong that he gave baptism in the name of the god. Only his screaming would be enough. Why he gave the ritual to Israeli people even though the ritual was supposed to be for foreigners to let them change their religions to Israeli one.

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