Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 28 Aug 2015 at 15:26

greene 50 母国語は日本語です。在住国は米国です。宜しくお願いします。

少し質問があります。Seller Account Informationに入力しなければならないのは、UKの管理画面のみでOKですか?
それとも各国それぞれ入力が必要ですか?それとも5ケ国でSeller Account Informationの入力情報は共有されていますか?
"Letter of Authorisation issued to ○○"とは何ですか?


I have a few questions. Is it OK for just UK's administrative scree where I need to input Seller Account Information?
If I input UK, don't I need to input for other 4 coutries - FR, ES, IT, and DE?
Or, do I need to input on the each respective countries? or are those 5 countries share Seller Account Information input?
What is "Letter of Authorisation issued to ○○"?

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