Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 14 Aug 2015 at 19:10

anna_claba 52 翻訳歴はごく浅いですが、精一杯研鑽を詰み、正確かつ読みやすい訳を心がけて参...

Looking out for developers more than app stores
“People think about the most obvious ways to solve problems. With developers, it’s solving a problem when they’re writing the code,” said Lawson. “Most people don’t think about reviewing their work after the code has been written. You have to do a lot of detective work.”

What Lawson is referring to is that developers aren’t always looking deep into their code to find out what’s broken and needs to be fixed. Often it might just be a referral to a code library and if something is broken, it can be difficult to find out which customers are affected by the bad code.




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