Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / 0 Reviews / 28 Jul 2015 at 11:15

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 60 自動車部品メーカーで社内翻訳者として約4年間勤務。2011年より在宅。英検...

Lesson 5: Marketing is a rolling stone.

Our job as demand gen marketers is to find levers that work. Not one, or two, or three — dozens. As soon as you find a lever that shows signs of being scalable, you need to put someone in charge of that lever and move on to finding the next lever. There always needs to be a rolling stone testing new levers, whether that’s the CMO, VP of Marketing, or VP of Growth.

Today, we’re growing the Zenefits marketing team so that we’ll be able to pull 20 levers at a time. Good marketing is always having 20 balls in the air, not keeping one giant ball afloat.





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続き(Mistake 3: We set “realistic goals.” 段落途中~最後まで)