Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 28 Oct 2011 at 17:17


LinkedIn Launches in Japan, Poised for 20 Million Users in Asia

We all knew this was coming from news earlier this year, but we were a bit taken by surprise just now to learn that LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) held a press conference today to announce its Japanese launch as well as its new office in Tokyo.

The AP quotes LinkedIn’s head of operations in the Asia Pacific region, Arvind Rajand, as saying:

" We think there are tremendous opportunities for growth not only in Japan but in entire region … If you look at LinkedIn’s business as a whole around the world, we feel we’re still just scratching the surface."

Arvind has a post on the LinkedIn blog today describing the news as well.



APによると、LinkedInのアジア地区責任者であるArvind Rajand氏はこう語っている。

" 我々は日本だけではなくこの地域全体には数多くの潜在的な可能性があると考えている。LinkedInの世界規模での活動から見ると、まだまだ氷山の一角でしかないという感触を持っている。"

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