Notice of Conyac Termination

Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 26 Oct 2011 at 14:13

eytoku 50

Lei Jun’s Keynote

The evening began with Lei Jun’s keynote address, which primarily covered his philosophy on investing, although he did speak a little bit about his company Xiaomi and their phone at the end of the presentation. Mr. Lei, who has been remarkably successful investing in Chinese tech companies, played down his success, saying that the knowledge he offered companies came mostly from his many failures, and also suggesting that luck has played a big role. “85 percent of success is luck,” he said.


Lei Junによる基調講演

会合はLei Junの基調講演で始まった。プレゼンテーションの最後に彼の経営するXiaomiと製品である携帯電話端末について触れたものの、中心テーマは彼の投資哲学だった。中国のテクノロジー企業への投資で極めて成功しているにも関わらず、Lei氏は自身の成功については、彼が企業に提供した知識のほとんどは彼自身の数多くの失敗に基づくものであり、また幸運に恵まれた側面が大きいと謙遜を込めて語った。「成功するかどうかは85%は運で決まる。」

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