Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 27 May 2015 at 21:12

transcontinents 52 ビジネス文書作成、交渉、輸出入実務の経験があり、ビジネス関連コミュニケーシ...

私たちが初めて出会ったときのことをあなたは覚えてる?お好み焼きパーティーだよ。あなたの第一印象はとてもクールで、最初話しかけたときも少し冷たくて。笑 でもだんだん打ち解けていって帰る頃には仲良くなれて嬉しかった。帰り際にあなたが私の頭にキスしたを今でも鮮明に覚えてる。家に帰ってから、どうして頭にキスしてきたのかな?挨拶の一つかな?なんて色々考えてた。笑 そのときはまさかあなたと付き合うなんて思ってもなかったよ。でもそのお好み焼きパーティーがきっかけで遊ぶようになったよね。


Do you remember when we first met? It was an Okonomiyaki party. Your first impression was very quiet, and you were a bit cold when I first talked to you lol. But the ice gradually broke and by the time we left we were close and I was happy. I still remember clearly when you kissed on my head on the way back. I was wondering why did you kiss on my head? was it a part of a greeting? etc lol. At that time I had never thought I'd be going out with you. But it was that Okonomiyaki party which made us hang out together.

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