Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / 0 Reviews / 09 Apr 2015 at 14:38

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 60 自動車部品メーカーで社内翻訳者として約4年間勤務。2011年より在宅。英検...

Pitching is about getting to know the person

Both funders and founders should use the pitching session first and foremost as a “get to know you” effort. Specifically, they should both explore whether their personalities click. Both parties should make an effort to understand who the other person is, his/her background, and his/her motivations. Both founders and funders should keep in mind that to observe their reciprocal behavior during the pitching session can be a great way to estimate the quality of their future interactions: Existing behavior can be a great measure of future behavior.




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Additional info: 依頼者プロフィール欄の翻訳ガイドラインに必ず沿って翻訳してください。
