Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 19 Mar 2015 at 11:06

isshi 50 はじめまして。R.Mitsuboriです。 ご覧いただき、ありがとうござ...

As an entrepreneur, you have the luxury of thinking only of your own to-do list, but as a CEO you have to make sure everyone else is equipped to complete theirs, and that everything is synchronized to serve the wider needs of the company. An entrepreneur can galvanize friends and family to help in a crisis, but a CEO has to motivate and manage a team of people day in and day out. Too often today we look at young successful entrepreneurs as CEOs-in-waiting. The harsher truth is that the two do not necessarily go hand in hand and sometimes require directly contrasting skillsets. Before you even consider taking on the role of CEO, make sure you’re being honest about whether it’s the right fit.



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