Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 1 Review / 17 Mar 2015 at 21:54

moineau 52



Soon you will reunite with your family, and thinking about you being able to spend time with your family makes me happy too. It's just a small souvenir from Japan, but maybe you can give it to them when you arrive in the US? And tell I'm sending my best wishes to your family, too.

Reviews ( 1 )

kanon84 67
kanon84 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 19 Mar 2015 at 01:36

Soon you will reunite with your family, and thinking about you being able to spend time with your family makes me happy too. It's just a small souvenir from Japan, but maybe you can give it to them when you arrive in the US? And tell I'm sending my best wishes to your family, too.

Soon you will reunite with your family, and thinking about you being able to spend time with your family makes me happy too. This is just a small souvenir from Japan, but maybe you can give it to them when you arrive in the US? And pass along my best wishes to your family, too.


moineau moineau 19 Mar 2015 at 02:00

Thank you for your review, I had a complete black out with "I'm sending" part. Now I see, simple and just right.

kanon84 kanon84 19 Mar 2015 at 02:00

No problem :D Happens to the best of us! Especially with Light translations since the time is so limited.

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