Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 11 Mar 2015 at 14:26

msng4 52 大学院で研究をする傍ら、英語(とちょこっとフランス語)の腕試しに。

Data sharing between companies and their customers isn’t an entirely foreign concept, but it has been primarily reserved for customer-service interactions. I’ve received data-centric alerts from my bank when an account balance was low or my mobile provider when my family was about to exceed its data usage limit. I regularly access account information on various self-service websites where I can scroll through rows of tabular data. In most cases, the data hasn’t been proactively analyzed with valuable insights visualized and packaged up for my benefit. Traditionally, data sharing hasn’t been viewed as a way to strengthen customer relationships or generate a competitive advantage.



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