Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / 0 Reviews / 28 Feb 2015 at 15:11

sophia24 60 初めまして、sophia24と申します。 中高時代を英語圏で過ごしたバイ...

例)お一人様でミサフィアを2個ご購入いただいた場合 →合計で参加券を1枚お渡し
お一人様でミサフィアを4個ご購入いただいた場合 →合計で参加券を2枚お渡し
お一人様でミサフィアを10個ご購入いただいた場合 →合計で参加券を2枚お渡し



*We limit the distribution of entry tickets to 2 tickets per person, including the 1st slot and the 2nd slot.
(We allow either 2 tickets for the same slot or 1 for each.)
When a person buys 2 Misafias - given a total of 1 entry ticket
When a person buys 4 Misafias - given a total of 2 entry tickets
When a person buys 10 Misafias - given a total of 2 entry tickets

For other detailed information about the event, please see here.

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