Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 07 Jan 2015 at 00:38

makotokum 52 日本の大学を英語専攻で卒業した後、アメリカの大学に2年半通い、ビジネス系専...

4. Korean startups are getting global attention

Between, the social network service for couples, hit a major milestone by reaching 10 million downloads globally. The app developer VCNC revealed that 50% of their users are from overseas, mainly Japan, Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Earlier this year, DeNA, Japan’s mobile service leader made a strategic investment in the company to support its 1 million Japanese users.

Memebox was the first Korean startup to be accepted on Y Combinator’s program. The company successfully presented on demoday on March and has said that Y Combinator Startups internally chose them as one of the top three startups on its winter 2014 program. Memebox ships to 36 countries, including China.


4. 韓国のスタートアップが世界の注目を浴びている


MemeboxはY Combinatorのプログラムで認められることになった韓国初のスタートアップ であった。同社は5月のDemo Dayへ無事に参加し、Y Combinator Startupsが社内で、2014年度冬季プログラムでのスタートアップトップ3のうちの1つとして彼らを選出したと述べた。

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Additional info: 該当記事です。その1(~4. Korean startups are getting global attentionの段落まで)
