Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 09 Sep 2011 at 14:25


Or they’d do the opposite and hire a Chinese head or GM who was relatively unknown to senior management: Because they didn’t grow up in the culture of the company, their decisions might be second-guessed by central management which was thousands of miles away back in North America or Europe.

Over-investing too early: Companies would set up extremely high revenue expectations right away and when revenue didn’t meet those targets, they would ramp down their investments. “You’d see these huge over-investments and rapid collapses,” he said.


全く反対のこととして、幹部になじみの薄い中国人のリーダーや総括管理者を雇うこと: 彼らは会社の社風に染まっていないため、その決定は数千マイル離れた場所にいる北米や欧州の中央の経営陣に批判される。

早すぎる大投資: 会社はすぐに非常に高い収入の見通しを立て、収入が目標に達しないと知ると、投資額を減少させる。「大投資をして、すぐに崩壊する例が多いことがわかるでしょう。」と彼は言う。

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