Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 33 / 1 Review / 21 Nov 2014 at 10:36

dpangga 33


2. いつも命令されっぱなしのネコとわんぱくネコの日常を描いたステッカーです!本当はとっても仲が良いかわいい二匹のニャンコたちに癒されよう

3. よくころぶ、よく食べる、ちょっと抜けているドジっ娘ちゃん、あなたのまわりにいませんか?思わずクスッと笑えて元気が出るステッカー

4. ドタバタハチャメチャなおてんば三人娘たちのステッカーが登場♪今日も騒がしい声が響き渡る!


1. In the Geisha world, the Super Robot Geisha sticker was appeared! It's an ordinary playful drama that practice two good friends with dancing, playing samisen and song/
2. It's a drawing sticker about a daily life cat and naughty cat that always commanded. The truth is they are two cute cats which get along well.
3. Is there anybody like Dojikko-chan around you, who falling down a lot, eating a lot and a little loose?
This sticker makes you laugh spontaneously .
4. The slapstick tomboy 3 little girls sticker is also appeared! Today also resound with the noisy voice!

Reviews ( 1 )

[deleted user] 44
[deleted user] rated this translation result as 22 Nov 2014 at 07:14

1. In the Geisha world, the Super Robot Geisha sticker was appeared! It's an ordinary playful drama that practice two good friends with dancing, playing samisen and song/
2. It's a drawing sticker about a daily life cat and naughty cat that always commanded. The truth is they are two cute cats which get along well.
3. Is there anybody like Dojikko-chan around you, who falling down a lot, eating a lot and a little loose?
This sticker makes you laugh spontaneously .
4. The slapstick tomboy 3 little girls sticker is also appeared! Today also resound with the noisy voice!

1. In the geisha world, the Super Robot Geisha sticker was appeared [why passive?]! It's an ordinary playful drama [?] that practice [s-v agreement] two good friends with dancing, playing samisen and song/
2. It's a drawing sticker about a daily life cat and naughty cat that always commanded [?]. The truth is they are two cute cats which get along well [different from the original].
3. Is there anybody who likes Dojikko-chan [?] around you, who [verb missing] falling down a lot, eating a lot and a little loose [usage]?
This sticker makes you laugh spontaneously .
4. The slapstick three tomboys sticker is also appeared [passive?]! Today [wrong subject] also resound with the noisy voice [?]!

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Additional info: They are introductions for iPhone's messaging app stickers.
There are 10 different introductions.
Please translate it like very casual and happy feeling.