Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 29 Aug 2011 at 19:12

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[deleted user] 50

No More Unapproved Online Music in China

China Daily reported today that China’s Ministry of Culture has ordered domestic online websites to stop allowing users to play and download over a 100 songs that have failed to go through “official approval procedures.”

Apparently the songs are not banned for censorship reasons, but purely because they have not gone through official approval procedures. The rule is that websites in China must be licensed and approved by the government before offering online music services.

The ministry has issued stern warnings of punishment if China’s search engines and websites did not “immediately cancel” all unapproved songs.



China Daily紙が伝えるところによると、中国の文化庁は国内のウェブサイトに対し、100曲を越える「正式な承認手続き」を経ていない楽曲をユーザーが再生・ダウンロードすることを阻止するよう通達した。



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