Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 44 / 0 Reviews / 24 Aug 2011 at 15:49


Gaopeng Cuts More than 400 Jobs in China

China is like a jungle when doing business. It is filled with hundreds if not thousands of fierce competitors, fighting in an unpredictable and shady environment where rules elsewhere simply don’t apply. Before Gaopeng (Groupon China) even came to China, experienced market observers wrote them off and tossed them into the ‘savagely beaten foreign company’ bucket, with the likes of Google, Yahoo and Ebay. Beijing Morning Post, reported that last week Gaopeng has just culled 400 employees around China; is Gaopeng the next victim?



ビジネスをする時、中国はジャングルのようである。何百、何千もの獰猛な競合相手で溢れており、ルールの通用しない予測不能でいかがわしい環境での戦いである。Gaopeng(Groupon China)が中国に現れる前でさえ、経験豊富な市場監視者はそれらについて書き、Google、Yahoo、Ebayのように「残忍」に打ち負かされた外国企業をならべた。Beijing Morning Postは先週Gaopengは中国近辺の400の雇用をカットしたと報告した;Gaopengは次の被害者が?

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