Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 04 Nov 2014 at 18:21

lizchen050517 50 台湾出身、上海育ち。大阪で勤務経験2年。仕事は雑貨とアイディア商品の開発と...

長期海外転勤になる友人の希望で東京観光をしました!! 天気も良く、SKY HOPバスならでわの風が気持ち良く最高です。ガイドさんもついて、東京在住ですが新しい東京の発見がありました。 観光、ショッピング、ランチと良い気分転換になりました! デートや家族でも楽しめると思います。 今日は3コース中1コースだけ回りましたが、次は別のコースも行きたいと感じました!


I travelled Tokyo with the request of my friend who is transferred overseas for long term.
The weather was great and the feeling of whirling wind while sitting in the SKY HOP bus made me felt comfortable.
Although I live in Tokyo, but I've found a new Tokyo with the guide.
My mood turned better by travelling, shopping and having lunch.
A date makes me happy even it's with family.
We chose one from three course and we want to enjoy other courses next time!

Reviews ( 1 )

mayustardust rated this translation result as ★★★ 11 Nov 2014 at 21:13

I travelled Tokyo with the request of my friend who is transferred overseas for long term.
The weather was great and the feeling of whirling wind while sitting in the SKY HOP bus made me felt comfortable.
Although I live in Tokyo, but I've found a new Tokyo with the guide.
My mood turned better by travelling, shopping and having lunch.
A date makes me happy even it's with family.
We chose one from three course and we want to enjoy other courses next time!

I traveled to Tokyo at the request of my friend who will be transferred overseas for long term.
The weather was great and the feeling of whirling wind while sitting in the SKY HOP bus felt comfortable.
Although I live in Tokyo, but I've found a new Tokyo with the guide.
My mood turned better by sightseeing, shopping and having lunch.
I think it would be enjoyable whether it is a date or it is with family.
We chose one from three courses today, but I want to enjoy other courses next time!

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