Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 44 / 0 Reviews / 06 Aug 2011 at 01:08


4 Ways iPads Are Changing the Lives of People With Disabilities

Noah Rahman has moderate Cerebral Palsy affecting his communication, cognition and upper and lower body movement. When he turned two, his language, cognitive abilitity and fine motor skills were diagnosed by a developmental specialist as being at least 12 months behind. Then Noah got an iPad.

Four months later, his language and cognition were on par with his age level. His fine motor skills had made significant leaps.



Noah Rahmanは中等度の脳性小児まひで、コミュニケーション、認識力、体の上部と下部の運動に影響がある。彼が2歳になった時、彼の言葉、認知能力、微細運動スキルは、少なくとも12カ月遅れていると発育専門家によって診断された。それから、NoahはiPadを手に入れた。


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