Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 04 Aug 2011 at 11:53

guomaoyanguan 50 ポルトガル語(ブラジル、ポルトガル)<>英語、ポルトガル語(ブラジル、ポル...

By 2015, however, smartphones will be outselling PCs more than three-to-one.
The use of Symbian as a phone OS in China is plummeting, and both Android and iOS will surpass it before 2012.
People generally use Weibo and social networking sites for the same reasons. The only major differences DCCI found were that more people used Weibo to follow what their favorite celebrities were up to, whereas more people used SNS to keep in touch with old friends.
The number one reason China Mobile users go online on their phones is to check up on news and current events (86 percent of users).


しかし、2015年までには、スマートフォンの売り上げは3対1でPCを上回るだろう。中国に於けるSymbian(シンビアン)の携帯電話のOSとして利用者数は激減しており、2012年以前にはAndroid(アンドロイド)及び iOS(アイ・オーエス)の双方がそれを上回るだろう。

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