Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 27 Jul 2011 at 19:21

forest_the_pooh 50 森のぷぅーさんです。 北海道小樽市出身。 埼玉県日高市在住。...

1. Richard Robinson – Speed is key

Robinson China is currently working on Youlu, a mobile application to convert your mobile phone address book into a social network.

He illustrated the point by showing a snippet from the movie Troy, where Brad Pitt who plays Troy uses pure speed and agility to defeat his much larger and rather beastly opponent. The metaphor shows that start-ups who are lean and quick can overcome much bigger incumbent competitors that take a long time to move and change.

He also noted that speed helps improve morale with momentum, raises awareness and drives adoption, maximizes valuations and attracts investment. As famous serial entrepreneur, Mike Cassidy says to “set tone from day one”.


1. リチャードロビンソン-スピードが鍵です。

ロビンソン : あなたの携帯電話のアドレス帳をソーシャルネットワークに変換するための"Youlu"、モバイルアプリケーションに、中国は、現在取り組んでいる。


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