Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / 1 Review / 19 Jun 2014 at 11:41


Showroom【Cheeky Paradeのチィキス開発会議】Vol.4

Showroom【Cheeky Paradeのチィキス開発会議】



Announcement on an upcoming program; Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting" vol.4

Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting"

The program will be held on June 4th (Wed) 7:00pm.
Here is the URL.
(Note: the URL is disabled until the on-air day)

Reviews ( 1 )

kazue_ishikawa 51 イギリスでの留学経験を生かしてメーカーや国際協力機関で通訳や翻訳を5年間担...
kazue_ishikawa rated this translation result as ★★★★ 26 Jun 2014 at 16:30

Announcement on an upcoming program; Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting" vol.4

Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Producing Meeting"

The program will be held on June 4th (Wed) 7:00pm.
Here is the URL.
(Note: the URL is disabled until the on-air day)

Announcement on an upcoming program; Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Production Meeting" vol.4

Showroom presents "Cheeky Parade's Cheekiss Production Meeting"

The program will be held on June 4th (Wed) 7:00pm.
Here is the URL.
(Note: the URL is disabled until the on-air day)


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Additional info: アーティスト名は「Cheeky Parade」に統一下さい。全角文字は半角文字に置き換えてください。