Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 61 / 0 Reviews / 05 May 2014 at 07:54

jojo 61 speedy & straight

Using Sandeep‘s noble package for node.js we can look at what’s advertised by one of the beacons, using the advertisement discovery script included with the package.

An Estimote beacon—picked at random from our developer preview kit—with a Bluetooth Address of E7:44:89:31:ED:4E advertises a local name of “Estimote”, along with some service and manufacturer data. However it doesn’t seem to be advertise any service UUIDs.
Taking a closer look at the manufacture data then, the data advertised by the beacon was,




ただし、サービスUUIDは宣伝していないようだ。 メーカー情報をつぶさに見てみると、ビーコンが宣伝しているデータは、(訳者注:原文がここで切れています)

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