Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / Native Japanese / 1 Review / 11 Apr 2014 at 05:14

mechamami 50 I'm native in Japanese living in Cana...








Shipping request can not be completed due to some problem with the system.

I can not click the button at the end of the shipping request.
It does not respond when I click it.
It is the red button saying "SEND REQUEST".

This state has continued over 5 hours.
I asked someone in chat, but it did not resolve.

I used another PC and also tried different browsers, but it didn't not solve this problem.
Thus, I assume there is some problem the site or its server.

I would like to ship all packages as soon as possible.
Could you get the insurance for them and ship in the original box for me, please?
Is that possible for you to arrange there?

I'd appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Reviews ( 1 )

norrytk 44
norrytk rated this translation result as ★★★ 11 Apr 2014 at 06:55

Shipping request can not be completed due to some problem with the system.

I can not click the button at the end of the shipping request.
It does not respond when I click it.
It is the red button saying "SEND REQUEST".

This state has continued over 5 hours.
I asked someone in chat, but it did not resolve.

I used another PC and also tried different browsers, but it didn't not solve this problem.
Thus, I assume there is some problem the site or its server.

I would like to ship all packages as soon as possible.
Could you get the insurance for them and ship in the original box for me, please?
Is that possible for you to arrange there?

I'd appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Shipping request can not be completed due to some problems with the system.

I can not click the button at the end of the shipping request.
It does not respond when I click it.
It is the red button saying "SEND REQUEST".

This state has continued over 5 hours.
I asked someone in chat, but it did not resolve.

I tried using other PCs and different browsers, but it did not solve this problem either.
Thus, I am sure that there are some problems in the site or its server.

I would like to ship all packages as soon as possible.
Could you get the insurance for them and ship them in the original box for me, please?
Is that possible for you to arrange there?

I'd appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

This review was found appropriate by 0% of translators.

mechamami mechamami 11 Apr 2014 at 07:14



-tried using other PCsについて、triedを使ってしまうとPCとbrowsersを使おうとしたけど使えなかったという表現になってしまうと思います。また、他のPCも、恐らく一台別のものを使ったではないかと推測したのでother PCsと複数形にする必要はないのではないかと思いました。

-didn't not のところは、強調するためにdid notに変更しようとしてn'tを消し忘れてしまいました。指摘して頂き、有り難うございます。


mechamami mechamami 11 Apr 2014 at 08:15


-a problem(単数), some problem(単数), some problems(複数)のどれでも構わないそうです。:) 自分では具体的に何の問題か分かっていない場合は、some problemがベストだそうです。

-tried については、to useを使うと一生懸命PC使おうとしたけど使えなかったという意味になってしまうそうですが、tried usingだとそこまで頑張ってる感はでないそうです。ただ、文法的にはPCを使ってみることをtriedした訳ではないので、usedが正解だそうですが、口語ではみんなtried usingを使うので問題ないそうです。

tryしたというニュアンスを出したければ、useという動詞を別のものに変えて、I tried performing the same operation on another computer and other browsers, but it did not solve the problem.とするのがベストな翻訳だと言われました。

-computerは恐らく何台も使っていないだろうから、other PCsよりもanother PCの方がいいということでした。


-am sureについては、確実に〜だと思いますと日本語ではなっているけれど、serverを確認した訳ではないので、am pretty sureと少しする方がいいかもしれないとのことでした。assumeは証拠がないときに想定する際に使う単語なので、こちらも正しいそうです。

-are some problems ついては上記と同様の理由で、is some problem、is a problemでも問題ありません。

  • in (もしくはwith)と最後のthemについては、抜け落ちていました。治して頂いて有り難うございます。in にする場合は、in the site or with its server となるので、with the site or its serverという風に両方withにする方がスッキリするようです。


norrytk norrytk 11 Apr 2014 at 18:26


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