Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / 0 Reviews / 15 Mar 2014 at 10:44

mbednorz 53 hi leave your translation-related n...

もう25年?本当に?もうか~。漫画Aはいつまでも新しい気がする。著者コメント:これまでAを育てて下さった関係者&読者諸氏の皆様、いつも感謝しております、有り難うございます。 よくこんな「読みづらいマイナー系の非文芸型マンガ」が25年も生き続けられたなと、ひとえに出版社をはじめアニメやゲーム や映画やコミカライズ関係者の努力の賜物であろうと思っております。連載継続していたわけではないから25周年というのも少し変ですがまあ一つの節目という事でご容赦を(笑)。


Is it 25 years already? Really? Manga A always feels new. Author's comment: to the staff and readers who have been bringing up A until now, I'm grateful to you all, as always. Thank you. I'm impressed how this "hard to read, minor, non-literary comic" was able to be alive for 25 years? I honestly think it was the result of effort from people beginning with the publisher, staff responsible for the anime, game, movie and comicalization. It's not like its serialization didn't continue, so a 25th anniversary is kind of weird, but well, let's say it's an important milestone.

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