Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )
Rating: 52 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 11 Mar 2014 at 20:21
一般財団法人国際ユニヴァーサルデザイン協議会(IAUD)は、「第5回UD検定・初級 講習会&検定試験」を3月17日に開催する。
UD official test in Tokyo; also for the volunteers of the Olympics and Paralympics
The General Incorporated Foundation International Universal Design Meeting (IAUD) holds "the fifth UD official test; beginner's class workshop & certification test" on March 17.
"The UD official test" started for the purpose of the universal design (UD) disperse for the first time in Japan in 2012. It conducts a workshop on basic knowledge of UD such as the knowledge for choosing the product and service properly and the ability to contribute as a volunteer (120 minutes) and a certification test (60 minutes) as a set.