Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 58 / 1 Review / 12 Feb 2014 at 18:24

naokikinjo 58 国立の医学部の学生です。翻訳経験はありませんが、英語力は受験勉強である程度...

In fact, Pawoot Pongvitayapanu, Founder and Managing Director, Tarad, told e27 that through a campaign launched with chat app LINE last December, he has seen first-hand the positive effects mobile marketing has on e-commerce businesses. He added that the niche market Between offers fits Tarad well. “Because lovers always give each other things. That is a good chance for e-commerce (companies) like us to fill in the gap.

What is truly noteworthy is that Tarad has always been a visionary in the mobile commerce business. It has had a mobile site since 2003. Pongvitayapanu said, “We believed that mobile commerce is coming, and now it is here.”


実際、Taradの設立者であり常務のPawoot Pongvitayapanu氏は、12月にチャットアプリのLINEで始まったキャンペーンを通してモバイルマーケットはe-コマースに良い影響を及ぼすのを直接観察することができた、とe27に語った。Betweenが提供するニッチ市場はTaradに適しているとも付け加えた。これは、私たちのように、eコマース(コーポレーション)にとって、隙間をうめる良い機会である。


Reviews ( 1 )

blackdiamond rated this translation result as ★★ 15 Feb 2014 at 16:15

Because lovers always give each other things.の訳が抜けています

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