Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 64 / 1 Review / 26 Dec 2013 at 00:47

meissa 64 I am fluent in both English and Germa...



—The potential of popularization of electric 3 wheel taxis.
The hurdle for the diffusion of electric cars (4 wheel vehicles) are said to be the 3 points of cruising range, charging facilities and vehicle price, but 3 wheel taxis are used within fixed routes and do not require much cruising range. Also they don't need special equipement to be able to recharge from a house electrical outlet, their price is reasonable, so there aren't obstacles to them becoming popular.
Philippines being our main import partner and being a country that receives the main share of ODA support, japanese companies have high hopes of obtaining high quality materials and service.

Reviews ( 1 )

kushani311 57 こんにちは! スリランカ生まれです。現在日本での大学院生です。国際関係を専...
kushani311 rated this translation result as ★★★★ 26 Dec 2013 at 02:20

—The potential of popularization of electric 3 wheel taxis.
The hurdle for the diffusion of electric cars (4 wheel vehicles) are said to be the 3 points of cruising range, charging facilities and vehicle price, but 3 wheel taxis are used within fixed routes and do not require much cruising range. Also they don't need special equipement to be able to recharge from a house electrical outlet, their price is reasonable, so there aren't obstacles to them becoming popular.
Philippines being our main import partner and being a country that receives the main share of ODA support, japanese companies have high hopes of obtaining high quality materials and service.

—The potential of popularization of electric 3 wheel taxis.
The hurdle for the diffusion of electric cars (4 wheel vehicles) are said to be the 3 points of cruising range, charging facilities and vehicle price, but 3 wheel taxis are used within limited routes and do not require much cruising range. Also they don't need special charging equipment since it is rechargeable from house electrical outlets, their price is reasonable, so there aren't obstacles to them becoming popular.
So from the Philippines' point of view Japan is the largest import partner and the ODA donor, and Japanese companies with high levels of reputation for quality and service capabilities have lots of prospects.

meissa meissa 26 Dec 2013 at 02:46

Thank you very much for the review.

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