Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 60 / 1 Review / 18 Oct 2013 at 18:29




I apologies for letting you feel disappointed.
I was stunned by the state of the product that I sent. It is unthinkable that a cut in the middle of the box occurred within the Japan postal office.
I still have the product in stock so I can replace it with a new one. Since you chose not to include an insurance for the delivery method, we cannot return the payment for the product. I am sorry bit you will need to shoulder the shipping fee for returning the product. I will send the new product and shoulder the shipping cost. I will also include an insurance as well.

Reviews ( 1 )

14pon 60 こんにちは こちらで始めて、ちょうど1年経ちました 英語学習履...
14pon rated this translation result as ★★ 18 Oct 2013 at 18:53

I apologies for letting you feel disappointed.
I was stunned by the state of the product that I sent. It is unthinkable that a cut in the middle of the box occurred within the Japan postal office.
I still have the product in stock so I can replace it with a new one. Since you chose not to include an insurance for the delivery method, we cannot return the payment for the product. I am sorry bit you will need to shoulder the shipping fee for returning the product. I will send the new product and shoulder the shipping cost. I will also include an insurance as well.

I apologyze for letting you feel disappointed.
I was stunned by the state of the product that I sent. It is unthinkable that a cut in the middle of the box occurred within the Japan postal office.
I still have the product in stock so I can replace it with a new one. Since you chose not to include an insurance for the delivery method, we cannot return the payment for the product. I am sorry but you will need to shoulder the shipping fee for returning the product. I will send the new product and shoulder the shipping cost. I will also include an insurance as well.

It is unthinkable that a cut in the middle of the box occurred within the Japan postal office ← これは違います。これは、「日本の郵便でこのことが起こったなんて考えられない」、つまり、unless implied that 「日本の郵便局の責任下にある間にこのことが起こったのではないか」、この言い方にはなりません。しかし、誰もそんなことは言っていません。これは単に、「日本ではそんなことは考えられない」とびっくりして言っているだけです。
we cannot return the payment ← これは we cannot かも知れませんが、 we are not responsible ということではなく、保険がついていないので、損害が保険金で補償されることがない、という意味です。

This review was found appropriate by 100% of translators.

14pon 14pon 18 Oct 2013 at 18:55

we cannot return ではなく、you cannot receive a refund ならまだ近かったでしょう。

14pon 14pon 19 Oct 2013 at 03:26

I wish I could delete my first comments. It was so poorly written and complicated that you might not understand.

The translated sentence "It is unthinkable that ~" sounds like it is a discussion whether or not the accident "occured" within the Japanese postal services' responsible territory. But what the source text says is like "Unbelievable! Such a thing can never happen in Japan!" Here is how to find the difference in the Japanese sentence: カットされている「なんて」日本の郵便「では考えられない」。This "nante" plus "dewa kangae rarenai" determines the meaning, that is, the writer of the sentence is shocked and it is a general speach but does not indicate any specific incident.

As for the "return the payment", this sentence does not discuss about "our ability or responsibility" for returning the money. It says "If you had chosen the shipping method that included an insurance, you would be able to get your money back. But in reality, you omitted the insurance so you cannot get any compensation.

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Additional info: 相手に送ったポスターの筒が半分に切断された状態で届けられたそうです。