Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / 1 Review / 29 Sep 2013 at 06:22

honeylemon003 60 以前、ホームページの翻訳をさせていただいてから、 翻訳というお仕事にとて...

But Antipater was deeply hated, not only within the kingdom [of Judaea], but by the people of Syria and those living further abroad. The news even reached Rome and there was no-one, great or small, who did not hate Antipater for two reasons, because he had killed his brothers who were nobler than him, and because he had persuaded his father to carry out this dreadful deed and thereby sully his former good reputation. Antipater carried on behaving in the same way, and started to plot against his father. In his eagerness to become king, he bought some poison from Egypt, but he was betrayed by one of his accomplices.


しがしAntipaterは(Judaeaの)王国内だけではなく、Syria の人々そして遥かかなたの外国に住んでいる人々からさえもとても嫌われていた。そのニュースはローマにまで達し、Antipaterを2つの理由から嫌わない者は偉大か偉大ではないかは関係なく、誰一人としていなかった。なせなら、彼は自分よりも崇高であった兄を殺し、彼はこの恐ろしい行為を遂行するために彼の父を説得し、それによって彼の以前の良い評判を汚したのだ。王になることへの彼の熱望は、彼をEgyptから毒を持って来させた。しかし、彼は共犯者達の一人に裏切られた。

Reviews ( 1 )

[deleted user] 52 心がけているのは、「どう伝わるか」という点です。
[deleted user] rated this translation result as ★★★★★ 10 Mar 2014 at 18:32

Very well translated.

honeylemon003 honeylemon003 11 Mar 2014 at 08:31

Thank you for your review and comment.

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