Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 58 / 0 Reviews / 06 Apr 2011 at 23:39

qwerty 58 Note: I'm not a returnee from Ame...

#24: External Communication
Insite Motion Media suggests using video for external communications:
Event participation when your company is presenting at a marketing-related event
Thank-you’s for client appreciation, or as an award or acknowledgement to vendors who go out of their way to make certain your needs are met
Announcements to show what’s coming up on your calendar that people should know about
Video blogging by embedding your video in your blog around related text content

#25: YouTube
The pros of YouTube as described by Set’s All Set: “Unlimited HD uploading, 1 GB file size, bigger community and more potential exposure.”


#24 外部コミュニケーション

#25 ユーチューブ

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