Translator Reviews ( Chinese (Traditional) → English )

Rating: 50 / 1 Review / 12 Aug 2013 at 10:44

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 50 Editor, Translator, Marketing Profess...
Chinese (Traditional)

對了, 漫畫出版前, 都會把原稿重新檢查過一次.
結果, 我畫的女生... 眼睛大小不一...
不知道是不是因為這次我心裡一直想著要把女生畫得可愛一點...再可愛一點... (稍不注意的話, 馬上就會變成平凡的臉) 我己經在反省了.
本來也以為面具很好畫, 結果... 完全比我想像中難畫很多.
2人組的大人我就安排得很好畫, 所以畫得很輕鬆.
如果我可以變成男的, 就希望能成為寅那樣的男人.


By the way, I always check the manuscripts again before publishing my manga.
Yet the girls I draw have unbalanced eyes, one is bigger than the other......
I am not sure if this is because I want to create cuter girls all the time......the cuter the better......(but the faces will turn into a normal one immediately if I am careless). I am introspecting my self.
Still I hope I can stabilize my style.
I thought masks were not hard to draw, turned out to be harder than I thought.
The adults of the two-men team are easy to depict, so it went easily with me.
"Otoko wa Tsurai yo" is one of my favorite movies.
If I were a man, I wish I could be a man like Tora.

Reviews ( 1 )

jasmine_66 rated this translation result as ★★★ 07 Oct 2013 at 12:00

In this context, the drawer is not literally "introspect her/himself ". Instead, I think we can say he/she is thinking about how to make it better and how to be more concentrated when he/she is drawing.
So, maybe we can change "I am introspecting my self. "into "I am trying to stay more concentrated to make my drawing better."

The adults of the two-men team are easy to depict, so it went easily with me.
-I made more efforts and arranged it better when I drew the two-men portray, so it went smoothly.

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