Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 68 / Native English / 0 Reviews / 25 May 2013 at 08:37

katrina_z 68 こんにちは!はじめまして、チェコ在住のアメリカ英語のネイティブです。 日...

東京で最も多いタイプの住居。複数の世帯が入居するコンクリート製の集合住宅。10家族が入居するタイプから700世帯が入居する大規模なものまでタイプは様々。 価格は一般的な間取りの3LDKで4千万円〜8千万円程度。都心の富裕層向けマンションの場合は8千万円〜1.5億円。




Apartment Mansions
The most common type of housing in Tokyo. These are concrete apartment buildings where several families live. There are many kinds, from ones where 10 families live to large-scale buildings with 700 families. The price for a typical 3LDK (3-room apartment with a living room, dining area and kitchen) go from 40 million to 80 million yen. Mansions in the city center for wealthy people run from 80 million to 150 million yen.

Single-Family Houses
This type of housing is built on a plot of land for one family. There are a variety of building materials from concrete to wood. The cost for a 4LDK runs from 70 million to 150 million yen.

Those within the city center are the most expensive and they get cheaper the further into the suburbs you go. They're most distinctive for their extremely wide range in pricing.

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