Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 15 May 2013 at 20:53

[deleted user]
[deleted user] 52 Ako ay isang Hapon na nakatira sa Pinas.

“There is a huge problem in our scene,” begins John D'Esposito, founder of the New Jersey-based Skate And Surf Festival.“There's a connection that's almost broken.” D’Esposito (his friends and fans call him John D) is referring to the ever-widening void between bands and their fans.Upon pining for the good old days, when music was solely a tangible entity, MTV ran more music videos than reality shows and kids didn’t have smartphones surgically attached to their limbs, D’Esposito formed a plan for fixing this “broken experience.


ニュージャージーのSkate And Surfフェスティバル創設者のJohn D’Espositoは“私たちの現況には大きな問題がある”と言って話を切り出した。
ここにはほぼ断絶に近い関係がある。D’Esposito(友人と古くからのファンは彼をJohn Dと呼ぶ)はバンドとそのファンの間の広がり行く隙間に言及した。

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